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Wanted to rezilepsoyn the pizza hub and rezileytikan themselves

Employees at the F&R Auto Sales dealership in Massachusetts, USA, They forced a pizza distributor to return after he had given $ 7 above, which he considered as gratuit. The officials gave him two banknotes of twenty and two of five dollars, για ένα λογαριασμό που ήταν $42 δείχνοντας σαφώς ότι τα επιπλέον χρήματα ήταν γι ‘αυτόν – κάτι που και ο ίδιος επιβεβαίωσε με τους υπαλλήλους.

After the conflict he had with the Distributor, officials posted the video security camera, considering he will humiliate. The Internet, however, chastised them, with hundreds of users to attack them in all social networks. Many also wrote bad reviews for the delegation at Yelp, a well-known page with reviews of commercial stores.

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  1. today says:

    42+7=49 20+20+5+5=50

  2. Parris says:

    Even in Greece of the memorandum and destitution even when AMA-wrong- δίναμε 5 ευρώ παραπάνω στον ντελιβερά κανένας δεν θα έφτανε στο σημείο να πάρει τηλέφωνο την πιτσαρία και να απαιτήσει να μας φέρει πίσω τα λεφτά…μετά την απομάκρυνση από το ταμείο ουδέν λάθος αναγνωρίζεται!!!!! απορώ που η πιτσαρία έστειλε τον ντελιβερά πίσω να τους δώσει 5 δολάρια…έλεος!!

  3. Claudio Dimo says:

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  4. BASILIS says:


    • c.saw christos Kosmidis says:

      xeroyms not what isychei in America as law, If the separate entry mentions that iparhoune epoptika Mesa etc is legal.

    • Giulnever Fergett says:

      That applies in private space, as offices, home and other, If you are the one who is doing what,What but whatever,What do you want. Better yet. So xeftilistikan better!

  5. this is says:

    The financial difference about 7 euros was a very good and not bormpouar synithismeno..kanonika ntiliveras before the leave without saying something would have to clarify with the officials the issue with the change. εχει και αυτος το λαθος του.προφανως και στην δικη του στασι υπηρξε δολος κοινως οπως λεμε στην ελληνικη “εκανε τον γερμανο”….

    • c.saw christos Kosmidis says:

      7 Euro is not much. the American distributors are entitled to at least 10% of the bill, whenever the 4,2 DOLLARS MINIMUM extra..apla got three guys are assholes

    • Angelo Thessaloniki says:

      No not much einai.Kai to say because I live in virginia there played the vinteo.Ta daily bourmpouria is the weekly wages you'd in Ellada.Kai was 7 euros was 7 dolaria.To average rent here is 1500-2000 dolaria.Opos you understand and salaries are better.

    • Thyv7 says:

      το λεει και το παλικάρι στο βίντεο….και το λέει και στην περιγραφή,yielding the 20 + 20 + 5 + 5. on behalf 42.kai asked the lad why on behalf of my 42 give 5 above? AMA is give me 45 give you RESTA. so rational is to nomizei it is mpoyrmoy

  6. Trampakoulas ... says:

    just left all their cunning showed, in front of the Virgin have done..

  7. kefalaskgr Costas Kefalas says:
