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The funeral of Jean-Paul Belmondo, with music from the movie “The Professional” performed by an orchestra

The farewell ceremony for Jean-Paul Belmondo was incredibly touching, in tune with the emotions of hundreds of millions of people who saw off the wonderful actor who is associated with the times of youth and nostalgia. Even young people could not hold their tears, many of whom have not seen the film “The Professional”. The music from the movie by Ennio Morricone was performed by an orchestra during the ceremony.

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  1. Biagina says:

    What is the name of the orchestra that performed the piece .very good .wonderful violin
    I'm looking but can't find the name on YouTube

  2. Nonsense says:

    Belmondo, a huge actor.
    Rest in peace , we will miss you.
    Adieu , Nonsense !

  3. Alfred Fischer says:

    I gulped at the TV broadcast. France's farewell to an idol was really moving for me.
    Above all, the fact that President Macron gave the honor to Jean Paul was very emotional for me.
    We can't do that in Germany.
    A national hero

  4. Francisco Xavier Prudencio Briançon says:

    The best movie of all time, there are no non-fiction exaggerations and you can even live a lot of French culture that was not exempt from the government plot, as in many other countries. The music could not be more fair for a film like this Ennio is a composer of greater stature.

  5. Live Fasbinder says:

    It goes straight to my heart ❤
