Browsing all posts tagged with reaction

New Zealand PM's response to an interview during an earthquake

(5) | 26/05/2020 | 0 comments

A magnitude 5 earthquake,8 hit New Zealand while Prime Minister Jacquard Arder gave a live TV interview from Wellington. The strong earthquake on Monday morning focused on 30 kilometers northwest of Levin, […]

A baby makes a bottle flip

(9) | 09/05/2020 | 0 comments

Lila's funny reaction, a 14-month-old little girl, when he makes a bottle flip without wanting to.

Quarantine: day 3

(19) | 22/03/2020 | 1 Comment

A little girl does not seem to resist the restriction at home. Her reaction says it all.

What do you do when someone sneezes in front of you;

(12) | 19/03/2020 | 0 comments

The not-so-cool response when someone sneezes in front of you, during the pandemic of coronavirus.

Reaction Turkish fans to kick

(14) | 28/02/2020 | 1 Comment

In a house in Turkey, a family watching the derby between Galatasaray and Fenerbahce.

Dog tries a pickle

(14) | 14/02/2020 | 0 comments

A man gives a pickle on the dog to see his reaction.

Destroyed a bridge with a kick

(13) | 03/02/2020 | 7 Comments

A security camera on the city Gu China, captures the moment a young kicking a concrete pillar on a bridge. The column falls into the water, but entice other 214 columns by which […]

Mix sugar with sulfuric acid

(4) | 25/01/2020 | 0 comments

Sugar is mixed with drain cleaner containing 98% sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid removes the water from the sugar with a strongly exothermic reaction, releasing heat, vapor and sulfur oxide.

Rube Goldberg machine involving a cat

(13) | 22/01/2020 | 2 Comments

TikTok user “High School Hoops” spent over 10 hours preparing a Rube Goldberg machine in his home, but had not provided an agent almost spoiling chain reaction. the ball […]

The construction of a mirror

(8) | 03/01/2020 | 1 Comment

The construction of a mirror in a crafts, without the use of machinery. For making two solutions, one of which contains silver nitrate, αμμωνία και αποσταγμένο νερό – και το άλλο με τρυγικό καλιονάτριο […]

What happens if you give an egg to a cat

(13) | 27/11/2019 | 0 comments

A woman heard that if you give an egg to an animal, then it will take care not to break knowing how fragile. So try to see the reaction of the cat.

Ducks come out in the snow for the first time

(12) | 18/11/2019 | 0 comments

In a shelter in Vermont in the United States, a flock of ducks was first discovered as the snow out of their barn. Their reaction is very funny as immediately turning back […]

When a cat looks at you in a strange way

(5) | 07/11/2019 | 0 comments

This is the correct response.

Cats against the invisible wall

(7) | 27/10/2019 | 0 comments

The funny reaction of a group of cats in front of a door, which is covered with a transparent film.

The reaction of a dog in front of a scary doll

(15) | 28/09/2019 | 0 comments

A dog frightened when he sees the frightening teeth of a stuffed Furby, changing face.