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Japanese Katana versus European spatha

These are two of the most recognizable and iconic weapons in history: the European double Broadsword of Knights and the Japanese Katana Sword of the Samurai. Each one of these famous swords evolved with a view to address specific challenges in the battlefield. What was the most effective; The actor and military R. Lee Ermey conducts some tests with both medieval weapons.

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  1. Vassilis Larisis Vassilis Larisis says:

    How military these Americans talk when it comes to guns guys...

  2. kats says:

    hit the armor in a different way the second doesn't "catch"

  3. Thanos Karagiorgos says:

    Clearly it is better the Katana but this particular test is for the rubble. testarontai Not so 420 steel.

    • kats says:

      My buddy does not test the 420 steel, the concept of swords. they don't care obviously only the material that is, but also how they are made and their effectiveness in relation to this.