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A very strange cloud

Sunday July 5, 2015, the Garcia Iector, a resident of Tioga city in Philadelphia, came out of the House to smoke a cigarette, When he saw a strange phenomenon. He noticed a small cloud that looked like it ' floats ' above the rooftops of the neighborhood. By the time they started filming, the cloud began to move unnaturally and finally disappeared behind the houses. Plastic bag, foam soap dispenser, strange cloud, UFO, or simply digital effects; The American Broadcasting Company television network (ABC), He sent the pictures to the Meteorological Service, He could not explain the phenomenon.

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  1. dimitris81gr says:

    It seemed to me that during intervals to something like anabosbinan. Plays to be and by taking this flashes if you don't reflections from the Sun.
    However, there are some who claim that sophisticated people (as to consciousness) hiding in clouds from us and are meant to help whenever needed.. you say you've finally dikio; lol

    • Parris says:

      Αν ισχύει αυτό που λές τότε θα ήταν πολύ χοντρός αυτός που έγινε σύννεφο….λολλ