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Washing dog Woof Washer 360

Caution, this is not for some parody, This is advertising a revolutionary cleaning tool for your dog. It is essentially a hoop that attaches to the hose and sends the water into the center of. It is called Woof Washer 360, and costs only $ 20 for a small dog and $ 25 for a large one. According to the product's website, with the Woof Washer you can clean your dog in less than a minute. On the other hand, of course, if you're not so incapacitated as the actors of advertising, wash your dog with much less expense.

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1 Comment

  1. dimitris81gr says:

    However , It would be more functional if instead of 360moires cycle ,Why are forced to raise the dog's feet every time he avoided to show advertising, was a semicircle up to 3/4 of the cycle to solve the above problem.