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The "inflated" chicken

Employees at poultry company inflate the chickens with salt water. This tactic is also known as ' aid ' or ' injection ', is a process in which some companies worldwide inject raw chicken meat with salt water, chicken broth or some combination of these.

Breeders apply this process from the 1970s, arguing that it makes the meat juicier and tastier. The chicken usually contains 15% by weight in saline, but in certain cases it may contain up to 30%. Since the price of chicken is based on weight of, buyers pay more for "enhanced" chicken. Also, the extra sodium can have bad consequences on the functioning of the heart. The production companies who use this technique, It is not yet obliged to include on the label of the product.

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1 Comment

  1. Lynton says:

    I am just sitting here with an employee of the NWA and he indicates that they can use up to 60% saline solution!!! Really too bizarre for words!!!!