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Energy production from sea waves

Coppe University in Brazil has developed a technology that exploits the motion of waves to produce clean electricity. The arms that convert wave energy into electricity installed pilot from 2012 to the port of Fortaleza city Pesem.

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  1. Gheorghe Adrian says:

    My guess is that systems capture energy from waves by floats have a low yield. Sure, Member of the ocean, where large waves and vast stretches efficiency problem is not urgent. Then you can use various forms of sensors. For large closed as if the Black sea, where average wind waves are small, put stringent devise high efficiency systems for capturing energy from waves. Such a system would consist of a hydraulic wheel (de tip bank), width greater (about the length of the crest of the wave) and of small diameter and having in front a lifting concentrator (for small waves), like a funnel that lifts the wave from the depths of the water. The lifting height of the water is small, but circulating a large volume of water would provide the necessary power to operate some tandems of diaphragm pumps that raise the water to a convenient height for continuous operation of the turbine that drives the generator in charge. Above the hydraulic wheel, with a long axis of about 5-6 m and a diameter of about 0,5-1 m, positioned horizontally, immediately above the water level, the dam is placed, with a slightly inclined plane, on which the water of the great waves is thrown, of the storm, plan (parapet) which leads water to fall into the wheel blades. In this way, the big waves are also capitalized, which although rare, they come with a lot of energy, which if not absorbed in some way, it would have a strong erosive effect on the shore. That is why such systems are cost-effective to install, where the protection of the shore from strong wave erosion is required. An energy dam, formed by the parallel alignment with the shore of many such systems, would produce a significant stream of water, in a canal suspended right on the top of the dam. Water current that would continuously supply the working turbine. Thus the dam, in addition to the role of protecting the shore from marine erosion, it would also be an energy source. I think that this is the only way that energy entrepreneurs could be interested in investing in some voluminous and expensive constructions., in which, however, the energy gain is small, because the waves from the Black Sea, on average they are low energy.

    • Gheorghe Adrian says:

      Alta idee ar fi ca lantul de roti hidraulice cuplate intre ele, sa antreneze, prin intermediul unui multiplicator de turatie, un generator de mare putere, care ar furniza la borne o putere (energie) variabila, (proportionala) cu puterea medie a valurilor. Aceasta putere ar alimenta electrolizoare, care pot functiona si in regim variabil al energiei. Electrolizoarele produc hidrogen si oxigen, care ar putea fi folosite in uzine chimice, la prepararea combustibililor sintetici cum ar fi propanul. Aceasta ar fi o forma chimica stabila de stocare a energiei. Acest sistem ar fi mai economic deoarece elimina canalul adductor suspendat pe coronamentul digului precum si turbina de lucru.

      • Gheorghe Adrian says:

        Another system for capturing energy from the waves would eliminate very large hydraulic wheels that are actually as many turbines and are very expensive.. Large hydraulic wheels, they would be replaced with pendulum blades, which can be more easily built to the size of the waves. blades, the size of the wave, it would swing in some alveoli with an arc profile at 90 degrees. In front of the pallets would be, under the water a rising slope of the wave and above the water a parapet, voucher manager, inclined at 45 degrees. blades, in their pendulum swing, would inject some injection pumps, which injects pressurized water into a pressure tube. In the pressure tube a pillow of compressed air at a pressure of 10-12 atmospheres is formed above the water., which would amount to a forced pipeline, with a waterfall height of 100-120 meters. Water is sent from the pressure tube into a Pelton turbine, which drives the generator in constant mode. So the pressure tube, to which all the injection pumps from the energy dam component are connected, constitutes the integrating system of the discontinuous energy of the waves.

        • Adrian Gheorghe says:

          Ma gandesc ca ati putea transmite ideea digului energetic, care functioneaza pe principiul pompei peristaltice, la un institut de proiectari de diguri marine. Ma gandesc ca un astfel de dig, care este totusi o structura complexa, ar consuma mai putine materiale de constructie si ar permite chiar o exploatare industriala a energiei valurilor. Fiindca ar putea lucra pe o lungime mare de valuri. si ar putea capta si valurile mici si valurile mari de furtuna. Zic ca pentru un val de furtuna de 2 m inaltime, creasta valului ar fi de 1 m deasupra nivelului apei. Sectiunea tronsonului, plasat imediat sub nivelul apei, ar fi deci de 1 m^2. Pe peretele dinspre laguna sunt decupari de sectiune mare, acoperite de supapele de admisie a apei in sacul deformabil. Supapele trebuiesc astfel dimensionate si profilate, incat sa fie usoare si rezistente la presiunea apei si sa asigure umplerea sacului, cu apa din laguna, in timpul scurt al retragerii valului incident. In fata galeriei prin care este inpinsa apa, de catre presiunea valurilor, intro sectiune egala, tot de 1 m^2 este amplasat sacul deformabil, care preia presiunea valului incident si o transmite apei din galerie. Apa care este inpinsa sa curga prin supapele de refulare, amplasate pe diafragmele dintre tronsoane. Diafragme care ocupa exact sectiunea transversala a galeriei, prin care este inpinsa apa, catre roata hidraulica amplasata la capatul sirului de tronsoane. La capatul sirului de tronsoane, legate in serie, apa este ridicata pe o rampa inclinata, pana la inaltimea de lucru a rotii hidraulice. Roata hidraulica trebuie sa aibe capacitatea sa turbineze un volum mare de apa. Fiindca toata puterea valurilor este continuta intrun volum mare de apa. In fata sacului deformabil este amplasata o palnie, formata dintrun taluz submarin pentru ridicarea valului din adancul apei si dintrun parapet inclinat la 45 de grade, plasat imediat deasupra apei. Rostul palniei este sa concentreze valul incident si sa il dirijeze asupra sacului deformabil. Ansamblul palniei ar mai adauga inca un metru la latimea digului. Deci latimea totala a digului enegetic ar fi de 3 m. Deasupra digului se pot amplasa rezervoarele presorizate, in care este injectata apa sub presiune. Presiune care va inpinge apa prin jeturile care actioneaza turbinele Pelton, care vor antrena generatorul electric in sarcina in regim constant.. Iar deasupra rezervoarelor presorizate se poate amplasa pasarela de promenada a digului.

          • Adrian Gheorghe says:

            PS Large hydraulic wheel, care ar primi apa de pe o lungime mare de valuri, din doua parti, venind de la doua siruri de tronsoane, ar actiona niste pompe de injectie a apei in rezervoarele presorizate, pana ce se ajunge la presiunea de lucru.