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The "mental disorders" of children

Teenagers are often characterized by "mental disorders" based solely on evidence of behaviours. There are no brain scans, ακτινογραφίες ή εξετάσεις αίματος που μπορούν να αποδείξουν ότι είναι “ψυχικά άρρωστοι”, but these guys are stigmatized for life with the "sign" of a disorder, and the administered dangerous psychiatric drugs. The medication of children's disorders, It is a profit Industry 4,8 billion US dollars a year. The Agency CCHR He shows us why this industry has as sole purpose is profit.

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  1. inside parki says:

    Who afeini the children present to dialexoyne ...??? No stop to the PLISI make egkefaloy via television, and Internet, efimeridon ,,, κ΄ άλλα πολλά…χα..χα..χα..
    Τελείωναντας έτσι τά έλέγχουν τά παιδιά στό δρόμο πού έχει ΧΑΡΑΞΗ ή ΠΑΝΓΚΟΣΜΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ… στήν πλήση Έγκεφάλου, always a ChAZA for. ..!!!!!!

  2. Deltani It gave says:

    Very proper advertising for disturbances which are purely genetic ... Who are we to stigmatise others our fellowmen..

    • Artemis says:

      Δεν είναι θέμα στιγματισμού…υπάρχουν συγκεκριμένες ενδείξεις ότι ένας άνθρωπος πάσχει από ψυχική νόσο,ανεξάρτητα αν είναι παιδί…
      I agree that the pharmaceutical industry is big WTF Thursday — 1 comment,but I agree that there are mental diseases that can be combated with some medications,ενδεχομένως και με συμπληρωματικές θεραπείες…αλλά εφόσον υπάρχει στη φαρέτρα της επιστήμης αντιμετώπιση…δεν είναι κακό ν αφήσουμε ένα παιδί ή και ενήλικο να υποφέρει και να καταστρέφεται η ζωή του;;;
      Ενημέρωση χρειάζεται τίποτα δεν πρέπει να είναι στιγματισμός…όσον αφορά την ανθρώπινη υγεία!

      • Deltani It gave says:

        Firstly, Christina all disorders listed in this ad are genetic. In my master in neuroscience deals with these , and I know. Can I aradeiaso 10 sources google but got, search each one. Secondly, I didn't say if something isn't genetic say eat man, simply, these are not even in people's choices, Thus were born . Do not put metre on their difficulties comparison , and neither know how did you end up in this conclusion, I said something else

    • Christina says:

      Dlo is not purely genetic first and I don't think this has nothing to do with the stigma. I.e. If the responsible environment will katigoroyses or stigmatizes the child will?