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Your choice (This is water)

2005, the writer David Foster Wallace was invited to deliver a speech to graduates at Kenyon University, Ohio, USA. However, the content of this speech became known three years later, After his tragic death. It is without a doubt some of the best advice for the life you have heard, and perhaps the most simple and elegant explanation for the real value of education.

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  1. dimitris81 says:

    Αυτό ακριβώς.Όπως τα είπε.Η Πλήρης κατανόηση σε οτιδήποτε είναι το φάρμακο για να είμαστε ήρεμοι και χαλαροί…
    Paradise and hell *

    Found a man in paradise. See that all people are
    happy, happy, Open with a positive mood, While all around him as the
    ordinary life. The man strolled, He looked, spoke with others and
    Then he said to Archangel:

    – Please, I can see and the hell;

    – Ok, go to your show.

    Man with embarrassment he sees that there is no difference,
    everything is so as it was in paradise, only that people are
    different: bad, unhappy, insulted, and immediately you understand
    that they do not like the life there that is. The man asked the Archangel:

    – I don't understand, I see that here everything is just so like to heaven.
    Why is everyone so unhappy;

    – Why, they think that heaven is better.

    ΥΓ ”είτε πως δεν υπάρχει”

  2. Geo says:

    Very beautiful. Xeroume katholou piece that played in the middle of the video?

  3. Dion says:

    YEah we got the bitches drivng the SUV’s in order to feel safe meanwhile they fucking text while driving