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Cutting branches with a laser

A worker cuts tree branches remotely with a laser cannon from Hong Kong company SPT Laser.

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  1. Ferrara Marco says:

    I am interested in buying

  2. Glasilvam Eldem Soares da silva says:

    I am very interested in this equipment

  3. João Sinesio Ortiz says:

    I am interested


    Na interface, I live in Atlanta Georgia USA, there are a lot of trees around here.

  5. Pietro says:

    Salve, I would be interested in the price to proceed with the purchase, how could I do?

  6. Pietro says:

    Salve, I would be interested in the price to proceed with the purchase, how can I do?

  7. Marcos says:

    I am interested in the laser for pruning trees. I would like the price please.

  8. Gregory W Gottfried says:

    Can you contact with price location of purchase

  9. Gregory W Gottfried says:

    Can you contact with price location of purchase

  10. Novel says:

    Good evening. How can you get acquainted with the characteristics and price? I am interested in the possibility of opening an official representative office in the USA, Florida.

  11. Tobias Marks says:

    please offer me

  12. Alberto says:

    I am interested in this machine, could you send me information? Thank you

  13. Lorek says:

    I would like to have one.
    Please send pricing information ,catalog etc.


    I need one
    Please send price information ,catalog etc.

  15. Bican says:

    I'm interested. Where can I order from??

  16. Luciano de Campos says:

    My interest is in pruning trees 🌳🌲

  17. Marco says:

    Very useful, But how much is it? Where you can buy it in Rome? Specific licenses are required?

  18. Arsenio says:

    Interested in laser pruner

  19. Pierluigi says:

    I am interested in purchasing the laser cannon to cut trees and branches.

  20. Dariusz says:

    I want to buy, please contact me

  21. Rimma says:

    I want to know the price for Russia

  22. KOUKLOUBERIS george says:

    Good evening, I am a professional agronomist
    who is active in green works.
    I would be interested to know
    the price of the laser cannon for cutting tree branches and if I can make a purchase.
    If you have it immediately available,
    what actions should I take since you have the product and it has to go to Greece and specifically Crete.
    Also I would like to inform me about:
    is there an operating manual?
    is a special license required?

  23. Maier Sabin says:

    I want price