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Caution: Video with inappropriate content

A school bus drags a 6-year-old girl for hundreds of meters

A scary video released this week shows a 6-year-old girl being pulled from a school bus hundreds of feet in 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky. The video was released as the lawsuit against the driver began in Jefferson County court. The video shows the driver not looking at the door to ensure that the child got off the bus safely. As the little one gets off the bus, her backpack was caught in the double doors that closed. Cars honked at the driver to stop, something he did after about 350 meters. The little girl was taken to hospital where doctors said she suffered severe abrasions on 12% of her body and had to undergo several surgeries..

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  1. Solomon Silva de Jesus says:

    My name is Salomão, I'm a bus driver 🚌 both urban and school bus drivers, the driver is wearing black glasses looking like a mask , who takes away her vision and has an idiotic conversation with her , which also took the driver's attention ,I'm not here to judge but the driver made a mistake when she was chatting at the wheel and didn't watch the child get out and move away from the doors , not a professional

  2. Gabriele says:

    Routine is dangerous, always !
    The driver should have looked, until the door closes, above all, when the children carry backpacks (which I find stupid by the way. Why do small children have to carry heavy books ? They could stay at school) Homework doesn't have to be. And the guy in the middle stands there like a zombie and just stares straight ahead. How sick !
    Please always give such videos 5 stars, even if the content is negative. It is intended to be a warning to all drivers. 5-star videos are always watched.

  3. Lefou_27 says:

    I look at the comments and I can't tell if you are in favor of getting treatment because the driver should suffer the same fate as the little one and if you are against it, you are a good respectful citizen and the others can get treatment. the skull in depth

  4. Leany Rondon says:

    Then that other big ass to distract her even more , I would have made her pay with immediate dismissal and paid all the damages to the girl... she didn't even realize they were ringing them. But crazy stuff oh

  5. Salina says:

    Nobody says it, I do it, the driver is a woman... I don't even get that, the baked women belong in the kitchen !!

    • Salina says:

      You went to the Middle Ages with such arguments.😂
      Men also often make mistakes on the road, I don't blame the driver, but it’s not necessary to judge all women like that.🤣 It will be exactly the same, if I tell you by your slightest mistake, that your prospects of dying alone. Because now women in civilized countries have more power than men..
      And only despots think so narrowly, or not distant people. Your place in the bottom ranking of the social society, with these priorities. It’s immediately obvious that you are stupid.🤣

      • Lefou_27 says:

        Ftg, are you serious about talking like that, if it were you instead of the little girl, what would you have done?, asshole space go back to your shitty dishes and let the big guys handle it

      • Dud says:

        But tfg you are serious to talk like that you should go to hell and even be in the place of the little girl to say this kind of proposal you asshole go back to cleaning the dishes unemployed space

      • Did says:

        Ftg, you're the stupid one in everything, you're going to pass tests, you deserveler, you have nothing in your brain or what to write this kind of message, you deserve to be in the place of the little asshole.

    • Giulia says:

      That's an impertinent comment. Think before you speak


    Clearly an irresponsibility of the driver and the guy standing, supposedly paid to make sure babies get off and on safely, but they stay there talking while the child is dragged and eaten alive by the asphalt 😭

  7. Danny says:

    I feel sorry for the child, more because she didn't drop her backpack 😔😔😔😔

  8. Leonardo says:

    If it's with my daughter this driver could be considered dead

  9. MeupaunoSeuCu says:

    are you dumb or idiot? It's not even possible to differentiate. Your ANIMAL children in developed countries learn to be independent from an early age. Who was the animal was the driver who chatted at work.

  10. Francisca Jucimeire Barreto Rocha says:

    It is unacceptable for a child to get out of a vehicle without the support of a responsible adult…. This driver is in no condition to do a job like this…. Aff…. Totally unprepared…😢😢😢😢😠😠😠😠😠🥺
