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A nurse wants to prove that the vaccine turns you into a magnet

On Tuesday, June 8, 2021 during a meeting of the Health Committee at the Ohio Capitol, a nurse wanted to prove that the coronavirus vaccine makes you a magnet. Experimented with a key and a hairpin, but her display was unsuccessful as the objects did not stick to her skin. The claim that coronavirus vaccines make the human body magnetic, is one of the most popular conspiracy theories.

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  1. Merethe E Hallandvik says:

    I even have two neighbors who have taken the corona vaccine and on both of them a magnet sticks where the vaccine has been placed. On others I know it doesn't. Don't know if there are different types of vaccines as they are still in the trial phase (until 2023) But to doubt what people say and call this a conspiracy theory seems to me to be downright malicious. I have seen several videos where this is the case. All information about what the vaccines contain and what the risks of illness/death are must always be given, informed consent. Thought the authorities had learned something after the Nuremberg trials. History repeats itself.

  2. Passing by says:

    I think it's crazy to have someone who denies what's happening for no reason。I can't believe it、You first deny the world you don't know。Weak in the power of numbers。The more difficult the question, the lower the accuracy rate.。Why do you want to wait、Try to find the basis、Don't you try to know who actually happened? A really simple idiot。That's fine、A person who is careful and has the power to discern、I can't stop persecuting someone who is telling the truth ~。Not only the head but also the personality can not be bad。

  3. Magnus Johansson says:

    “Tisdagen den 8 juni 2021 under ett hälsokommittémöte vid Ohio Capitol, a nurse wanted to prove that the coronavirus vaccine makes you a magnet. Experimented with a key and a hairpin, but her screen failed, because the objects did not stick to her skin. The claim that coronavirus vaccines make the human body magnetic, är en av de mest populära konspirationsteorierna.”

    Three errors in the video description:
    1. What a screen, which also failed? She had no screen with her. How can a screen fail?
    2. Already, the key stuck to her chest.
    3. It is not a conspiracy theory to establish magnetism.

    • Magnus Johansson says:

      Ha, he has! A thumbs down, so far, because I pointed out three errors in the video description!

  4. Angel says:

    While the good guinea pigs, they do not listen to conspiracies. They go and nail whatever they give them, simply because they called it a vaccine.

    • Septic Septic says:

      What do you say, find a shepherd?; Τοτε μην παιρνεις κανενα φαρμακο γιατι “τα ονομασαν φαρμακα”. Stupid bastard.

      • Angel says:

        You are nailed; That's why you curse; Δε μου λες… ποιο φάρμακο πήρες μέχρι σήμερα που ήταν σε πειραματικό στάδιο και του οποίου οι κλινικές δοκιμές ήθελαν 2 χρόνια ακόμα να τελειώσουν;
        Ενημερωτικά τώρα είναι στη 3η φαση… Και η άδεια που έχουν είναι προσωρινή υπό όρους.
        Take a look and decide who the idiot is:

      • Athan X says:

        You understand what Angelos means?..
