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Mesta Fusion – the state-of-the-art speed radar

The EUR 4 traffic radar measures Mesta Fusion 2 began operating in 2016 in Dubai and experimentally settled in Strasbourg and Marseille France. This year will settle more than 400 such radars on French roads. The Mesta Fusion scans up to 126 vehicles simultaneously in five strips, in both directions and at a distance of over 100 meters. It can also record a series of other offenses, such as phone use while driving, sudden maneuver, non-use of seatbelt or overtaking from the right.

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  1. Skilled says:

    Hello, I wanr to buy this radar detection please provide me more information relating this product)

  2. Franz Echle says:

    6/01/2022 at 19?

  3. Bert Schulp says:

    Beautiful streamlined equipment the Mesta Fusion 2, who really takes all aso drivers en masse ! For example, if I stick to the 100 km on the highway, am i a landmark, not to mention people calling and apping.
    Hopefully they will also come to the Netherlands in large numbers soon with fines that are at a high French level.