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Aqua Jet roof cleaning

A Roomba for the roofs.

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  1. Antonio Goncalves says:

    Value and where to buy

  2. Antonio Goncalves says:

    Where to buy

  3. Keise Daiane says:

    I'm from Brazil. Which site to know the value and purchase Aqua jet?

  4. oziel says:

    I'm interested in acquiring.

  5. Alexander ciarniello says:

    Hello, good day, I am interested in this machine, I want to know how much it comes out, I am from Argentina. Thank you

  6. Argemiro says:

    Very good. I would like to receive the budget

  7. Urasbayer Jury says:

    I want to buy this machine , what does it cost and where can you order it?

  8. Wilson Bayer says:

    I want to buy this machine Send it where I can buy

  9. Wilson Bayer says:

    I want to buy this machine

  10. Pearl Shangase says:

    Hi I would like more information on the equipment, value and functions. Thanks.

  11. Joaquim Carvalho says:

    How can I get such a machine and what is the value
    Thank you
    Joaquim Carvalho

  12. Manuel Castiñeira 639656232 says:

    I would like to know how much it costs

  13. Luiz Fernando Bresolin says:

    More product descriptions. Price and suppliers for Brazil.
    Optional accessories

  14. Everton Casagrande da Silva says:

    Hello, what is the value of the equipment?

    • paulo filipe pires anselmo says:

      I would like to know more details of this machine and the price thank you

  15. Mark Apatoczky says:

    Termék ismertetőt és ár katalógust a különböző adapterekhez szeretnék email – ben kapni. Thanks in advance

  16. Dumont says:

    Can I get the material price including VAT.
    In future business creation.
    Thanking you.

  17. Miguel says:

    I would like to know machine price thank you

  18. Alvanir says:

    What the value

  19. Carolina says:

    I need price of this machine

  20. Ismael Pereira Vicente says:

    How to buy

    • Nivaldo says:

      I would like more information about the equipment, price, complementary equipment and materials, versions, suppliers or import into Brazil

  21. Makson says:

    How much does this machine cost

  22. William Nemer Junior says:

    How do I get more details of the equipment?

  23. Vincent Sincere says:

    Hello how much does this machine cost. Where can I buy it

  24. Paulo says:

    Where to buy this water jet?
    What the value?

  25. Miguel says:

    What is the value and how can I buy?

  26. Antonio Goncalves says:

    What is the value of the aqua jet machine to wash the roof

  27. Manuel Eduardo says:

    I would like to buy this roof cleaning machine. how do I do

  28. Paulo Ernesto Wilhelm says:

    I need to know the price thanks

  29. John Marcos says:

    Friend where I can buy this machine? What else can either tell me the TBM email

  30. Ramec says:

    Hello, this is Ramec, how much is this machine and where can i find it