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The famous Japanese school band Kyoto Tachibana

The band of Kyoto Tachibana High School or otherwise “Tachibana SHS Band” as it is known, It has become famous around the world since its creation in 1961. It is one of the oldest female bands in Japan and just watch one of their amazing parades, you will understand why.

The band consists of 113 talented girls, which make a combination of choreography, music and parade without losing time to the tempo or sync. See in this video how to manage almost half an hour to move endlessly while mostly playing wind instruments. pretty impressive!

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  1. Jose de Jesus Barraza Cisnwros says:

    Excellent band fascinates me to see them and well coordinated I like it a lot and I never get tired of seeing them ... my congratulations to all of them that make up that band, To the girls and a few boys who accompanied him as well as the music teachers, a hug to each of them…and congratulations.!!

  2. Jean Marie WEISS says:

    Breathtaking, Wonderful at All Levels !
    Exceptional Performance, I never get tired of it, to the point of going for a walk :-))
    An unimaginable job for us…………………………

  3. Rodriguez says:

    I have seen and heard them for a long time, they are wonderful and the four or five male characters too. In the street parades I have a doubt: Is the music play back or is it live? Because in the free spaces like the streets , the clarity of the sound is spectacular, not to say almost impossible.

    • Ruben Dario Pereyra says:

      Excellent!! in syncing music, movements, clothing and others. Since I found these videos, he spent watching and listening to the music.- Too bad I don't understand the language soaps, Well, I have seen many videos of the band, even how they rehearse, when they interview the girls and you try to imagine what they might say.- I have been moved by the different awards that were awarded to him, as if I had been present at every event. To the Directors and all the staff of said Institution my “Congratulations”, keep going you're doing an excellent job, education, fellowship, etc. I would like to, that in my country (Uruguay) there would be an institution like that and they would go out to the main streets to give us music, as they have it in your country, to those young people who value what they have.- From Montevideo capital of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, I send a big hug to each member of the Institution. If you can translate some comments in Spanish, Thank you very much and again Congratulations

    • ktshsbfan says:

      Typical "Pole"... you think, that they carry CD players in their pockets ??? okay...!!!! one(i) they have no pockets!!!

  4. Vicente Andres Amada says:

    you are right, DELUSION, EFFORT AND DISCIPLINE………..women who stand out in rhythm and with their instruments
    musicals…………..good teachers of music and rhythm.

    Ibiza, Baleares SPAIN

  5. Giuseppe Corazzari says:

    Fantastic girls, I have collected the videos available on you tube and always gladly review them. Outstanding work done by Hiroyuky Tanaka che, Unfortunately, he left in 2018.


    wonderful extra of all beauty we in France we are court next to the girl who plays musical instrument while parading she dances and plays at the same time and without false note. there are no words to say what it feels like when we hear them play it is great a feast for the ears mr sallaberry

  7. blackberry says:

    I've known the band for years now. You learn what kind of drill is behind it and it makes it all the more interesting, because it's really brutal. Every year new students leave and it's always just as much fun as seeing them before.
    There is nothing like it and only 2 or 3 other things that I can look at every day without it getting boring, even if it's something I already know.

  8. Ryszard Kraczka says:

    I love you for your spontaneity, for the ever-present smile, for your effort to achieve such a spectacle, concert. Can be seen, that you enjoy what you do and what you give viewers. The family atmosphere makes, that with you we gain strength and willingness to live regardless of problems. For me, you are an effective remedy for the stress of everyday life, fatigue, discouragement. Take care to preserve this event, is awesome.

  9. Pine Michael says:

    You have been top and admirable, disciplined and passionate about it. You bring joy to people all over the world, You give them strength in difficult hours. A very big compliment also goes to the organizers, the teachers, the trainers but also the parents who stand behind the young people and encourage them to perform like this. Big compliments to all of you.
    I myself have been making brass music for almost 60 years with great pleasure and I know how music can build people up. Where can one learn more about these admirable young people?. How many are there in your performances because I have to find out once there are four rows and once eight rows and even more. When I have a bad day because I'm going through polio for the second time ( Now Post Polio Syndrome = PPS ) then I look at you and experience how I regain strength through your zest for life rebuilds even people at the end of life.
    You're great, Admirable keep it up.
    Kiefer Michael Kurz Strasse 2 in 09366 Stollberg


    Sublime, exceptional and unique in the world certainly in this genre
    But how to get in touch with the leaders of this group ?
    I am waiting for a response, thank you

  11. ROBERT GARCIA says:

    They are simply magnificent, no other band in the world of this kind are like themthe best of the world

  12. Deilton de Araujo oliveira says:

    If a human being gave more value, life would surely give this example of talent of these super fantastic Japanese creatures that enchant the world and make us proud to know that there is still pure life on this planet that is worth living. I was delighted with this band congratulations.

  13. virgilio Vazzari says:

    Congratulations to the Masters of Music and Choreography - Truly Magnificent and Spectacular Thanks also to the patience of these wonderful girls - THE world is grateful to you and the education of the various states should take collaboration between peoples as an example to honor peace.

  14. 9220marc says:

    More than FAN for years. Take a good look at the last flutist ( To the right of the screen when she's back ) Little piece of woman with iron will Indeed Hitoumi Karumaro was born without her left foot
    And wear a prosthesis When I see her dance I can't help but cry Great respect to this young lady
    The presentation of Hitoumi can be seen

  15. Christian Nollet says:

    Even the biggest formations of American universities do not reach their ankles , They are as impressive as they are admirable and why would they not come to us in France . Girls hat !

  16. GertJan says:

    I'm speechless about this I've seen a lot, but this?

  17. jean-francois bachelor says:

    superb i'm a fan

  18. paul says:

    I've seen a lot of bands but not something like that so I pretty much got all the yutube
    pulled in vidios that I found and can only say hat off and schappo in front of these students who manage to fight so hard during their school days I wish they were in munich or stuttgart in Germany because then I don't have it that far

    • Your mother says:

      Better take some tuition in German:

      *something like that
      * Students

      Ever heard of punctuation?

  19. ROBERT GARCIA says:

    With no doubt they are very special and shows that thre is more in this world than wars fortunatly I have seen almost any youtube they have and I cannot stop adimiring these group I am one of the many fans of you

  20. Francisco Escudero Labrador says:

    That last band,all my admiration would work 10,and seeing them as play with that rhythm for dancing and playing while many musicians do not other bands seem dormant,There are videos of the .saludos training from Madrid Spain

  21. Michael Grenier says:

    I'm a big fan of this group for some years. Girls and boys are we really feel their love for music and are very pleasing to see scroll. I hope that a trip to Japan, I will be able to see them on the spot. I also hope that this group be asked one day to travel to Quebec (Canada) and primarily in the beautiful Quebec City. Continue girls and boys to have fun and to share us your smiles.

  22. Dkr says:

    Hi, I know someone will know how your calendar, of presentation, anywhere in Los Angeles, the usa. ???

  23. Jesus Man says:

    I saw a video of the hard training that make these girls in school. No wonder this band is the best in the world. I am a Fan.

  24. Yesenia Lopez says:

    It fills me with pride to see the energy of these girls. Much feminine power
    This makes me very happy. But I imagine the fatigue that causes them. I am your faaaan

  25. Michel says:

    A great group full of energy. I'm a fan.

  26. Cco says:

    agrees with Armando below :-)

  27. Armando Pinto Torres says:

    It is a wonderful band play like angels. I have three weeks watching them on YouTube. I congratulate from Guayaquil Ecuador. Hopefully someday come to Guayaquil. They are wonderful.

  28. Juan Mancilla says:

    They are excellent unmatched as they have taken the concept of show band music at a level superior.Uniendo,parade,choreography and musical direction and arrangements very attractive to espectador.Transmitiendo with its interpretive force a treat for the ears of any oyente.esperemos faith by a tour of South America to enjoy your show.Saludos from Chile

    • Michael Neils says:

      Everything is just great! Could hear the music day and night but I would get in trouble with my wife.


    The band is very good… It is almost the same as the one we have in Venezuela LA SALLE.

    • Ray smith says:

      In your dreams opio😂😂😂😂😂

    • Erna villalobos duarte says:

      Great representatives of their country and Kyoto should be very proud of this school organization,watch and listen to these girls refreshes the soul

  30. Herbert Stapf says:

    someday this band of Japanese girls will come to Brazil to present