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An anvil floats in mercury

The user Cody Don placed an anvil 50 kg into a basin with mercury, to show us that the anvil floats. This phenomenon occurs because the mercury density is almost twice the density of iron. Also, the density difference is such, makes the anvil floating mercury much more easily than a stick in the water.

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  1. QB says:

    Did You know that the vapour of mercury is very toxic? Poor boy…

    • patt says:

      First of all, the mercury boils at over 350 degrees Celsius and only a few atoms have evaporated (and few atoms do almost nothing because the absorption time is very high) , then he too is not stupid and does not stand directly with his nose above the mercury and also the mercury is much denser than the air so the vapors are basically stuck to the ground, quindi il ragazzo non si è fatto quasi nulla…

  2. Rodrigo Zagottis says:

    This is “the force of gravity”, only density.