Browsing all posts tagged with TED

The art of deception

(4) | 15/09/2013 | Comments Off on the art of deception

The expert in deception, magician Apollo Robbins and security consultant, regarded as the best pickpocket in the world. The conference TED 2013, make a very entertaining show to the audience with a volunteer.

The wonderful world of the deep sea

(11) | 01/06/2012 | 0 comments

The David Gallo shows us the behavior and tricks of marine creatures, including a cuttlefish which [...]

Ο Άρθουρ Μπέντζαμιν κάνει “Μαθημαγικά”

(13) | 21/02/2012 | 1 Comment

In a lively show, the mathimagos Arthur Benjamin is struggling against a group of calculators and computes square tripsifiwn numbers, solves another massive equation and guesses some birthday. Excerpt from TED talks ( […]

The wings of nature

(22) | 01/11/2011 | 0 comments

Highlights of the impressive film of Louie Schwartzberg "Wings of Life" that he presented at the International Congress of TED.

The Google car that drives itself!

(1) | 07/03/2011 | 0 comments

At the recent conference of TED 2011, the google gave participants the opportunity to test-drive a new car that you don't even need driver!