Browsing all posts tagged with Michio

By nanotechnology and utopias

(13) | 05/04/2015 | 0 comments

Michio Kaku explains how the future, Nanotechnology may revolutionize the way in which our societies are structured. What will happen when we can have everything without effort, using the […]

Japanese Knife Making by Michio Ishikawa

(3) | 12/03/2015 | 0 comments

(Nakaniida Traditional Blades)Japanese Knife Making by Michio Ishikawa (the Fourth) santoku kitchen knives

Michio Kaku: Geniuses

(10) | 16/12/2014 | 0 comments

The theoretical physicist, speaker and author Michio Kaku, talks about Asperger syndrome and Isaac Newton, differences in the brains of super-geniuses and strange but true story of Einstein's brain after […]

The four natural forces

(7) | 20/06/2014 | 0 comments

The physicist Michio Kaku talks about the four fundamental forces of nature, How manifest, How detected, and what role do they play in the understanding of the standard model of particle physics.

What is Deja Vu;

(10) | 12/06/2013 | 2 Comments

The renowned physicist Michio Kaku explains what is the Deja Vu and analyzes a paradoxical theory about parallel universes.

We can resurrect dinosaurs;

(12) | 15/10/2012 | 4 Comments

The theoretical physicist Michio Kaku talks about developments in the sector [...]

All children are born scientists, αλλά…

(22) | 27/08/2012 | 1 Comment

The point of view of theoretical physicist Michio Kaku about science [...]