Browsing all posts tagged with Louis C.K.

Stupid post on facebook

(34) | 30/04/2013 | 0 comments

Hilarious clip from the recent show of Comedian Louis C K.. "Oh My God"

Of course, αλλά ίσως…

(42) | 19/04/2013 | 0 comments

The Louis CK talks about these little things that pass through the minds of all, some diabolical controversies of our thinking into tragic [...]

Most people are selfish

(17) | 22/03/2013 | 0 comments

The comedian Louis C K.. give us an example of human selfishness in everyday life.

Human evolution and the Lions

(21) | 20/12/2012 | 0 comments

The comedian Louis C K.. explains how to improve the human species, If in life we get some .... Lions.

Nobody is happy!

(28) | 25/01/2012 | 2 Comments

The comedian Louis C K.. He talks about how spoiled we've become with the comforts of today's technology, and why our generation believes these [...]