Browsing all posts tagged with Coca Cola

Coca-Cola against rust

(8) | 08/07/2013 | 0 comments

If the bumper of your car has caught rust, whacked him with a little coca-cola and a sponge. Labico Ltd!

The ugly side of Coca-Cola

(20) | 13/05/2013 | 0 comments

A clever spot from Greenpeace in Australia, He seems initially like a Coca Cola ad-, but ends [...]

Turning Coca-Cola in water

(9) | 22/04/2013 | 0 comments

The OKO is a filtration system designed by NASA and can convert the Coca-Cola in water as claimed. To determine whether this claim is reality, the Rocketnews site […]

Coca Cola & James Bond Skyfall

(12) | 22/10/2012 | 0 comments

For the film James Bond 007 Skyfall, the Coca-Cola turned a new advertisement where a slot machine assigns a mission to those who use it. They must avoid several obstacles and reach […]

Let's look at the world a little differently

(9) | 18/06/2012 | 1 Comment

A very nice ad of Coca Cola, that relies on acts of kindness and love recorded on security cameras from around the world.

The Coca-Cola saves lives

(9) | 02/12/2011 | 1 Comment

What do you do if you're an Argentine fan among thousands of Brazilians?