Browsing all posts tagged with Turkey

Η “Οσκαρική” Βουτιά του Ριβάλντο

(0) | 25/06/2014 | 0 comments

The Rivaldo has been leading player Brasil and Barcelona, He won the Spanish League twice and once the World Cup, While was awarded by FIFA as the player of the year […]

Asses covered by ice

(6) | 13/12/2013 | 2 Comments

In the city of Sanliurfa in Turkey, They found five donkeys that their body was completely covered by ice, due to bad weather conditions. They were still alive and taken by locals on a farm to […]

THE C. Παπανδρέου φυτεύει δέντρο… μαζί με την γλάστρα!

(8) | 15/11/2013 | 2 Comments

In a symbolic visit to Turkey's Gkezi Park, close to Taksim Square, the c. Παπανδρέου σε ρόλο κηπουρού φυτεύει ένα δέντρο μαζί με την γλάστρα…

How is bulldozed buildings in Turkey

(5) | 20/02/2011 | 0 comments

Terrible building demolition method in Turkey's Cankiri city