Browsing all posts tagged with shelf

Suitcase with shelves

(16) | 11/08/2015 | 0 comments

This is the ShelfPack, an original suitcase with a different storage method than usual. It has three separate parts that extend easily at racks, for easier access to clothes. Its creators expect a ShelfPack […]

The dog in the refrigerator

(11) | 30/04/2015 | 0 comments

A man recorded his dog once they were alone at home. In the absence of the owner of, I opened the fridge and it seems that looking something from the tall shelf. The resourceful dog […]

The drunken thief in supermarket

(8) | 17/01/2015 | 0 comments

On Thursday, January 15 at one of the supermarkets in Yekaterinburg in Russia, a man tries to run off after having grabbed three bottles of champagne (value 24 €) off the shelf. But you betrayed the […]

When you're short in supermarket

(26) | 15/01/2015 | 1 Comment

A girl in difficulty as it tries to catch a product that is located on a high shelf at the supermarket. Fortunately, a tall man arrives…

A father tries to fighting his children

(41) | 19/11/2014 | 0 comments

A father catches his two younger sons to play with color, When he returns home. Dad had taken care to put the boxes on a tall shelf, but the two youngsters built a […]

Όταν τα βιβλία μείνουν μόνα τους…

(10) | 11/01/2012 | 0 comments

This wonderful stop motion/animation idea came as the owner of a bookstore during reorganization of the books on the shelves of the shop.

Shots from supermarkets during the earthquake in Japan

(1) | 12/03/2011 | 2 Comments

Here the world is lost, and employees keep the shelves not to fall .....