Browsing all posts tagged with door

Forced landing with a single-engine aircraft

(8) | 08/07/2020 | 0 comments

In England, a couple was on a flight with a small aircraft when the luggage door opened and blocked a stabilizer (of 3:48). Fortunately, the pilot showed composure and successfully landed the aircraft in the former […]

Two cats face a sock

(9) | 21/06/2020 | 1 Comment

Two cats come face to face with a strange creature under the toilet door.

The firefighter's blunder

(14) | 14/06/2020 | 0 comments

A firefighter tries to break the glass door in a building with a sledgehammer, but the door is not locked.

The thieves tried to escape with the elevator

(5) | 27/05/2020 | 0 comments

But slow doors and the sensor made the attempt more difficult.

They tried to put a glass in the elevator

(6) | 19/05/2020 | 0 comments

Two workers try to place a glass panel inside an elevator. But the door closes and the elevator starts moving...

The wind creates a funny scene

(10) | 17/04/2020 | 0 comments

The door of a pool enclosure has the goodness to open, to let a beach ball pass out. A funny coincidence created by the wind and recorded by a security camera.

Home gym during quarantine

(6) | 02/04/2020 | 0 comments

During limitation, a man found a way to work out at home with a rubber band, which is supported on a door. But this impromptu exercise equipment is not very […]

Shield water against a fire explosion

(24) | 09/03/2020 | 0 comments

Using a hose, two firefighters forming a water shield for protecting a fire blast. The fire blast is an explosion caused by rapid reintroduction of oxygen to a fire in an enclosed environment, […]

Police sets a trap to catch a parcel thief

(9) | 24/02/2020 | 1 Comment

In Edmonton, Canada, police moved in secret to capture a woman who stole bales of doors of houses.

Customer makes an impressive entrance in a shop

(5) | 21/02/2020 | 0 comments

A man walks into a store pushing forcefully glass doors, which will become immediately shivers.

My truck makes a strange noise

(11) | 07/02/2020 | 0 comments

A truck driver trying to understand what is this strange noise he hears, just open the door of the cabin.

Surprise behind the door

(6) | 06/02/2020 | 0 comments

A woman will have a surprise when he opens the door of her house. Dozens raccoon waiting behind the door with their bright eyes.

Which door will open;

(12) | 04/02/2020 | 0 comments

A dad enters with the small daughter in an elevator with two doors, and asking which door believe that will open the exit. A video created by the Daniel Hashimoto with […]

Motorcyclist vs pedestrian

(11) | 29/01/2020 | 0 comments

Two people on a motorcycle fall on the road, after having collided with a car door opened suddenly. The driver of the motorcycle will take off his helmet and toss on a […]

Opening the garage door after snowfall

(2) | 22/01/2020 | 0 comments

After the heavy snowfall in the province of Newfoundland, Canada, the owner of the house opened the garage door.