Browsing all posts tagged with baby

A pit bull scares a baby

(6) | 02/02/2020 | 0 comments

Sitting in a high chair, a baby frightened by the presence of a pit bull who likes to play with toys of.

A baby tasting ice cream for the first time

(15) | 24/01/2020 | 0 comments

A baby first tastes an ice cream and overly thrilled with the taste of.

"Thunderstruck" with the sounds of a baby

(18) | 20/01/2020 | 0 comments

The Matt MacMillan recorded for a year in various video the small son. He then isolated the sounds with editing to compose AC/DC's “Thunderstruck”.

When you are trying to get a lamb from his mother

(13) | 08/12/2019 | 0 comments

On a farm, a woman took a little lamb in her hands. His mother, however, thought that her baby is in danger, and was reacted immediately.

An effective technique to stop your baby's crying

(4) | 27/11/2019 | 0 comments

A father tries to calm the baby's crying with this innovative method.

Dad Imitates the expressions of his newborn baby

(6) | 22/11/2019 | 0 comments

The Australian comedian Josh Hawkins mimics the expressions of the newborn daughter facial.

A dad changing diapers of twin babies

(13) | 09/11/2019 | 1 Comment

The difficult task of father to change the diapers of babies unruly twins.

Cat rescues a baby before falling down stairs

(28) | 08/11/2019 | 0 comments

On October 31 in Bogota, Colombia, a boy one year crawling out of the crib, when he began to be directed towards the door leading to steep steps. As he watched the, the Siamese cat […]

Mother saves baby from a ram

(12) | 31/10/2019 | 0 comments

In a valley in Upper Hutt, New Zealand, small Theo approaching a rooster when a ram is shown running from nowhere and moves little boy. Fortunately, mother reacts with spotless […]

Bizarre accident on a narrow bridge

(5) | 31/10/2019 | 0 comments

In India, a car with five passengers fell into a river after a collision with a tricycle on a narrow bridge. The scene took place in the state of Madhya Pradesh on October 28, 2019 […]

Car collision saves the life of a family

(9) | 26/10/2019 | 0 comments

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona, a car passed the red light at an intersection when a couple with their baby crossing the road. The car was hit by […]

The male Darwin's frog "gives birth" to his young through the mouth

(2) | 11/10/2019 | 0 comments

The male Darwin's frog keeps the babies of the vocal sac, having come out of their eggs. When the young are ready to survive on their own, the father "spits" them out of his mouth.

A clever baby uses a child's swing

(16) | 05/10/2019 | 0 comments

A clever child shows us how it goes in a child's swing. Rotate the cradle to come back, and then simply lie down.

Baby crocodiles make strange sounds

(6) | 19/09/2019 | 0 comments

In Dragonwood Wildlife Conservancy Foundation in Florida United States, Cuba young crocodiles lying in a pool of water earn funny cries when they see their caregiver Brad. Their cries resemble gun sounds […]