Browsing all posts tagged with life

Life is a book with pages from dekachiliara avenging forgiving ..!! (149-166)

(2) | 04/07/2017 | 0 comments

Drowned in incoherence again. Normally you should read the description on each video, but here I do not have much to say. If you've seen one of these videos, You know what it. If not, […]

A child tries Coca-Cola for the first time

(19) | 01/07/2017 | 2 Comments

In a McDonald's restaurant, Evie is drinking a sip of Coca-Cola for the first time in her life. Immediately, the little girl begins to blink his eyes and tilted her head back. Apparently, first […]

Scammers are everywhere

(18) | 28/06/2017 | 1 Comment

As Internet, so in real life you can not trust anyone. This is a funny collection, with people and animals that try to fool around them.

"And our lives against the mosque and the citizen's card" they demonstrate

(3) | 24/05/2017 | 0 comments

Propylaea and outside parliament protesting fanatical orthodox Christians and zealous priests against the citizen card against the Mosque of Athens built. “Θα δώσουμε και την ζωή μας για […]

Sarunas Jasikevicius journalist explains the important things in life

(35) | 22/05/2017 | 0 comments

The Sarunas Jasikevicius, coach of Zalgiris basketball team in Lithuania, answers a question about the lack of Augusto Lima, who did not play because of the birth of his child. The question was on 20 […]

Kittens calm a wild stray cat

(21) | 22/05/2017 | 1 Comment

The Mason is a wild stray former stray cat, with kidney problems. It also has a nasty wound on one leg and several abscesses. The cat was subjected to euthanasia, but the agency […]

Australian Shark vs.

(18) | 21/05/2017 | 0 comments

A pesky shark makes life difficult for an Australian fisherman, biting nets. The fisherman will fight back with… curses. A scene that only in Australia we could see.

railway station employee prevents suicide

(10) | 18/05/2017 | 0 comments

On May 10, 2017 in Putian China, a woman tried to commit suicide by falling in front of a train. The scene took place at around 16:57 and katafrafike by security cameras. In the images shown […]

Rugby player puts knocked out the referee with punch

(10) | 15/05/2017 | 2 Comments

French rugby player Hedi Ouedjdi received a yellow card for aggressive behavior on the field, and gave a strong punch to the referee, leaving him unconscious. Then engaged in a fierce quarrel with players […]

Motorcycle collides with truck and wrapped in flames

(6) | 13/05/2017 | 0 comments

Saturday 6 May in Nanchang China, a man driving a motorcycle when it collided with a truck, falling on the fuel tank. The collision immediately ignited oil, reeling in the flames […]

The most dangerous job in the world

(13) | 03/05/2017 | 1 Comment

On the Indonesian island of Java, men extract sulfur inside the volcano Ljen. The crater is filled with a mixture of highly toxic gases, which have taken the lives of more than 70 miners in recent […]

The girl who tricked death

(12) | 02/05/2017 | 0 comments

On Sunday, April 9, 2017 in the amusement park Foire du Trône in Paris, an incredible incident happened in an overhead pulley starting from 50 meters high. A young girl found herself hanging […]

The wound Sounds

(8) | 21/04/2017 | 3 Comments

The David Lynch Foundation commissioned the advertising agency Herezie to raise awareness about the difficulty of veterans to forget the sounds of war. The short film makes an ingenious parallel between the sounds […]

The cycle of love

(15) | 14/04/2017 | 0 comments

The musician and comedian Rudy Mancuso created a small music video, where briefly describes the cycle of love and love in a man's life.

Horse attacking alligator

(16) | 13/04/2017 | 0 comments

A wild horse attacking violently in an alligator, the Paynes Prairie Wildlife Park in Florida. After having repulsed the whopping reptile with four other horses, a horse came out of the tall grass to […]