Browsing all posts tagged with sound

The sounds of Windows on the piano

(6) | 15/09/2020 | 0 comments

Bored Piano from Japan plays the most popular sounds of all versions of Windows, on a digital piano.

Dogs know when it's time to go to bed.

(10) | 12/09/2020 | 0 comments

Two dogs have learned the sound in the button combination on the XBOX, with which their boss turns off the device. So every time they understand when it is time to sleep.

Breaking the sound barrier with a steel chain

(10) | 03/09/2020 | 0 comments

A man strikes a large steel chain like a whip.

Imitations of weapons with the mouth

(24) | 06/08/2020 | 1 Comment

Highground413 on TikTok, makes some amazing imitations of gun sounds.

The roar of the alligator

(6) | 01/08/2020 | 1 Comment

In St City. Augustine, Florida, a male alligator roars in front of a camera. Male alligators make these sounds to identify their area and attract females.

The streets of Tokyo between 1913 and 1915

(2) | 09/07/2020 | 0 comments

Denis Shiryaev painted, greater resolution and more frames in a video dating between 1913 and 1915 in Tokyo, Japan. The sound is of course artificial.

Two brave police officers patrol a cemetery

(14) | 07/07/2020 | 8 Comments

As two police officers patrol a cemetery at night, they hear a noise that makes them run away quickly. The sound, is the scream of a cougar who was in the woods. The happening […]

The difference in sound between two cars

(7) | 06/07/2020 | 0 comments

The difference between an expensive and a cheap car can be seen in the sound.

The cat and the piano

(7) | 30/06/2020 | 0 comments

A cat panics at the sound of a piano, when he presses his keys.

Harry Potter and the musical washing machine

(8) | 04/06/2020 | 0 comments

Accompanied by Jason Pitts on percussion, musician Kurt Schneider plays music for Harry Potter movies with the keyboard sounds of a washing machine.

The sound of activation

(6) | 02/06/2020 | 0 comments

Many cats, they make a characteristic “activation” sound when you approach them to pet them.

The dog saw

(21) | 20/05/2020 | 0 comments

A funny montage with a chainsaw sounds to combined with the strange barking of a dog.

A otter is very talkative

(17) | 06/05/2020 | 0 comments

Ο Sakura, a pet otter from Japan, she makes sounds of pleasure when her owner feeds her.

Opened a bottle of champagne on the horse

(7) | 04/05/2020 | 0 comments

Two women are on two horses, when one of them opens a bottle of champagne. Frightened by the sound of cork, the horses begin to run, throwing the riders to the ground.

When they caress you at your favorite spot

(11) | 30/04/2020 | 0 comments

A cat in a state of ecstasy makes various noises when someone caresses it at a certain point in the back.