Browsing all posts tagged with Home

A small scratch on the new Porsche

(4) | 10/11/2023 | 0 comments

While making a U-turn in the yard of a house, a transport truck scraped an electric Porsche Taycan with its lifting platform.

Halloween light and fire show to the beat of 'Toxicity'

(4) | 31/10/2023 | 0 comments

For Halloween, Tom BetGeorge decorated his home with a fire and light show to the tune of 'Toxicty', of System of a Down.

Bear burglar

(4) | 20/10/2023 | 0 comments

A bear breaks into a house and steals a package of lasagna from the freezer.

What would dogs do without cats?;

(5) | 20/10/2023 | 0 comments

A cat opens the balcony door of a house and helps the dogs out into the garden.

Realtor for a crab

(13) | 12/09/2023 | 0 comments

A kind man helps a hermit crab lose its plastic house lid, and offers him some luxury options.

Dog with manners

(11) | 08/09/2023 | 0 comments

A dog cleans its paws on the carpet, before entering the house.

A lizard drifts

(7) | 21/08/2023 | 0 comments

In a house in Bali, a lizard (varanos) has difficulty moving on the tiles. He tries to run, but it keeps slipping.

The mystery with the magic basket

(38) | 18/07/2023 | 0 comments

The Troy discovered that since I started living with his girlfriend, various strange things happen at home. A funny skit from the Australian comic Troy Kinne.

The snake in the fan

(8) | 16/06/2023 | 0 comments

A snake comes out of a hole in the ceiling of a house, and crawls towards a ceiling fan. As it rotates, the fan will throw the snake directly at the person recording the video.

Indecisive dog

(11) | 10/05/2023 | 0 comments

A husky dog ​​asks to come inside the house. When its owner opens the balcony door, then the dog is indecisive. But a bolt of lightning will hasten his decision.

What kind of animal is this?;

(19) | 02/05/2023 | 0 comments

A strange creature stands in front of the entrance of a house.

And while you're lounging on the porch…

(13) | 17/04/2023 | 0 comments

A man was caught relaxing while lying outside his home in North Carolina, USA, when suddenly a bear approached him. Both of them were terrified for a few seconds by this […]

How romantic…

(13) | 16/04/2023 | 0 comments

A man welcomes his wife home, with some romantic surprises.

How to get a mouse out of the house

(11) | 10/04/2023 | 0 comments

This woman devised a clever technique to get a mouse out of a building with confidence. He made an aisle of packets of water bottles. So the mouse can't escape and to […]

The cat is a traitor

(12) | 04/04/2023 | 0 comments

A cat moves the house security camera, to show the dog chewing the remote control.