Browsing all posts tagged with game

Building a tiny remote control car

(15) | 24/08/2020 | 0 comments

Diorama111 is from Japan, turned a small toy car scale 1/154, in remote controlled.

Soccer with a bowling ball

(8) | 19/08/2020 | 0 comments

Two men play soccer with a bowling ball, which does not seem to be a very good idea.

You can find out where the ball will end up;

(5) | 10/08/2020 | 0 comments

A little game from Joseph’s Machines channel where you have to guess where the ball will end up on the 6 different Rube Goldberg machines.

Playing with VR for the first time

(7) | 07/08/2020 | 0 comments

Two girls try a virtual reality game for the first time.

Two dogs are playing a strange game

(10) | 06/08/2020 | 0 comments

No one understands what the rules of this game are, but the two dogs seem to have a strategy in every move.

A playful Armadillo

(11) | 02/08/2020 | 0 comments

An armadillo is playing with its toys.

The most fanatical fan of Italy

(12) | 01/08/2020 | 0 comments

A dog anxiously watches a game by Squadra Anjoura and celebrates Pirlo's goal.

A blind dog discovers a puddle of water

(30) | 30/07/2020 | 0 comments

A blind labrador wants to play splashing in a puddle of water.

High precision move

(10) | 23/07/2020 | 0 comments

A woman makes a risky move in Jenga. For a very short time, she looks excited about her achievement.

Horse gets excited listening to a violin

(10) | 23/07/2020 | 0 comments

Violinist Ray Chen plays the violin in front of two horses. One of them seems to be excited about listening to music.

A woman stumbles while being chased by a bison

(6) | 22/07/2020 | 0 comments

In Yellowstone National Park in the United States, a bison gets on the hunt for a pair, and the woman stumbles and falls to the ground. Attendees advise her not to move and play it dead, something […]

A cat is playing alone

(11) | 22/07/2020 | 0 comments

Without the help of a man, a cat manages to play alone with its toy.

How to make fun of your jogging neighbor

(19) | 20/07/2020 | 0 comments

A driver wanted to make fun of his neighbor who went out on the road for a run, driving past him and playing the track “Eye of the Tiger” on the car speakers.

When you can not find a fourth player for beach volley

(18) | 12/07/2020 | 0 comments

Three men and a dog play a beach volleyball match.

Being a sniper is not a game

(21) | 12/07/2020 | 0 comments

A sniper needs a lot of preparation and attention to every detail…