Browsing all posts tagged with Group

Pack of wolves chasing a hare

(17) | 24/02/2018 | 0 comments

in Arctic, wolves have to work hard for their meals. One of the biggest game they can find in the area, the rabbit, It is incredibly nimble and can reach a speed […]

Kid kickboxer saves a little girl

(33) | 06/02/2018 | 0 comments

In a martial arts school, an adult amused by a little girl pretending that attacking. Listening to the cries of the girl, a little boy from another team will rush to defend the girl. With […]

Fan camouflage and makes warm with his favorite team

(6) | 06/02/2018 | 0 comments

One of the fans of New Orleans Pelicans impersonating that the group was basketball as wearing the same form with players, and managed to enter secretly preheating. The man still managed to get […]

In order not to miss a minute of the match...

(8) | 05/02/2018 | 0 comments

A father found a way to watch the match of his team while being in church with his family.

Risky parkour in Hong Kong

(10) | 31/01/2018 | 0 comments

Three members of Storror, a British team that specializes in parkour, run by extreme jumping on the roofs of buildings in China Hong Kong. A first-person video breathtaking.

Supporter against pillar

(4) | 23/01/2018 | 0 comments

On Sunday January 21, 2018 after the qualification of the Philadelphia Eagles to the Super Bowl, a fanatic wanted to run beside the subway carrying other friends group. The man […]

Goal the goalkeeper from 60 meters

(13) | 22/01/2018 | 1 Comment

In the struggle between CD Lugo and Sporting Gijon for the second category of Spain Saturday, the goalkeeper Lugo scored the third goal for his team with a volley from 60 meters.

Beer flows from the tap of my home!

(17) | 20/01/2018 | 1 Comment

A very nice prank a group of friends in New Zealand, that connected every faucet in the home of their Sidekick Russ with beer barrels.

Rescue of a dog falling from the balcony

(6) | 17/01/2018 | 1 Comment

In Brazil, a group of people manage to catch a dog falling from the balcony on the 3rd floor of a building, by means of the sheet.

A little girl turns away an elephant

(12) | 11/01/2018 | 0 comments

On 8 June 2016 on a road near Kataragkama Sri Lanka, a wild elephant walks towards a group of people. A little girl spoke up raising her hand. The animal initially stopped, and […]

The jellyfish-like firework

(9) | 08/01/2018 | 0 comments

Scientists at the research submarine Nautilus, They recorded a strange jellyfish in the Revillagigedo Archipelago, near Baja California Mexico. At a depth of 1225 meters, this jellyfish looked like a big firework when the lights […]

Sharks approaching a toddler (Bahamas)

(14) | 04/01/2018 | 0 comments

While flying over a beach in the Bahamas, a drone recorded a group of curious sharks approached a boy who had just entered the sea. Fortunately the child came out of the water while an […]

Changing the parquet within hours, a golf NBA

(9) | 10/12/2017 | 0 comments

The stadium STaples Center in Los Angeles hosting groups Clippers and Lakers. But what if both teams should play a match on the same day; In this case starts […]

To first Hellenic vr Horror Game!

(1) | 06/12/2017 | 0 comments

The Journal Avgikos returns with a different video in collaboration with the group Tenebra Studios. Η Tenebra δημιουργεί το πρώτο ελληνικό horror vr game που είναι βασισμένο στην ”δική μας” Δούκισσα της Πλακεντίας και […]

The Russian police blows up an illegal mosque

(9) | 06/12/2017 | 3 Comments

Explosives found in illegal mosque near the Russian city of Samara, They are blown up by Russian police in the building. The explosives neutralization Group considered it too dangerous to remove the explosives from the building.