Browsing all posts tagged with life

A small wild lynx

(14) | 07/12/2018 | 0 comments

Employees of Utah wildlife agency, They are trying to stay alive as you release the most wild lynx small world. The small lynx which named Lord Murderbritches, He moved to another region once caught […]

A cartoonist pays tribute to deceased wife

(15) | 09/11/2018 | 1 Comment

Former cartoonist of Disney Gary Andrews, He traveled in Vancouver when his wife Joy died suddenly from sepsis. Δεν μπορούσε να πάει στο σπίτι εγκαίρως για να πει αντίο – “Πέθανε ενώ ήμουν στον […]


(7) | 24/10/2018 | 0 comments

The sea bed is populated by hybrid creatures whose body has merged with several human waste. When the marine life suffers from pollution that surrounds, the survival rules […]

Edison's phonograph

(4) | 12/10/2018 | 0 comments

Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877 and after a few years, 1898, It made him accessible to the public by releasing the 'Edison Standard Phonograph'. This was the first widespread phonograph up […]

Man tries to resuscitate a squirrel

(13) | 11/10/2018 | 0 comments

In Brooklyn Park in United States, a young man accidentally hit a squirrel with his car and stopped to see what has happened. Policemen who arrived on the spot and saw the car in […]

Original parking

(9) | 11/10/2018 | 0 comments

The driver of a car bored conventional lifestyle, and wanted to park in a different way…

Dump truck falls on three cars

(8) | 18/09/2018 | 0 comments

On September 8, 2018 in Savage, Minnesota, a dump truck falls on three stationary cars on a highway. The cause is probably the carelessness of the driver seems to brake at the last minute. […]

The Romano Fenati presses the brake his opponent in the race Moto2

(6) | 10/09/2018 | 0 comments

The Italian driver Romano Fenati punished with two races outside, as he stepped in front brake of Stefano Manzi during the Moto2 Sunday in San Marino. Severe reactions were other riders […]

Little life in still life

(15) | 30/08/2018 | 0 comments

A still-life painting to life and progresses, in a work of art by artist Duane Keizer.

In the last seconds of his life

(30) | 25/08/2018 | 0 comments

On a beautiful sunny day, a man comfortably sitting in a beach zooms with his cell phone in a group of girls in bikinis. But right next, his wife is waiting…

Help a whale

(14) | 16/08/2018 | 0 comments

During their family vacation, biologists Kapua Kawelo and her husband Joby Rohrer, They enjoyed an afternoon swimming with their kids off of Kaunolu Bay coast in Hawaii, When […]

Organ Story

(11) | 03/08/2018 | 0 comments

A dark tale, which follows the life of the internal organs of an average man called Lloyd. Short animation from Splapp-me-do, summarizing the things that are bad for our health.

Car breaks the protective bars and flies from motorway (Argentina)

(5) | 02/08/2018 | 0 comments

On Friday July 27 the General Paz highway in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a car traveling at 170 km / hour breaks protective barriers and falls from a great height in a vertical way. The 19 year old driver […]

The Lego invade real life

(9) | 30/07/2018 | 0 comments

A carpenter builds a wooden toy using Lego pieces. “Lego In Real Life 3” is a very nice video made with the stop-motion technique, by BrickBrosProductions.

The reflexes of a father who saves the life of his child

(17) | 11/07/2018 | 0 comments

A father anticipates his little daughter running towards the street, and saves lives.