July, 2023.

Kitty goes to sleep

(5) | 20/07/2023 | 1 Comment

a perfect surface with SHARK P CL laser cleaner

(1) | 20/07/2023 | 0 comments

Hey guys! we got our hands on an old knife grinder and scissors. It had been cleaned – damaged by a poor quality laser cleaner, another brand. It’s horrible and almost unbelievable the surface and […]

The mystery with the magic basket

(38) | 18/07/2023 | 0 comments

The Troy discovered that since I started living with his girlfriend, various strange things happen at home. A funny skit from the Australian comic Troy Kinne.

When the dog hears his favorite words

(14) | 18/07/2023 | 0 comments

A woman pretends to talk on the phone near her dog mentioning his favorite words like cookie, delicacies, ride, Park, but also the most hated ones such as bathing and cutting nails.

Sending photos over a telephone line in 1937

(9) | 18/07/2023 | 0 comments

Explaining how photographs were transmitted by cable in the 1930s. An unreal technology for the time.

An angry squirrel

(10) | 18/07/2023 | 0 comments

A squirrel makes strange sounds to scare the person in front of it.

The evolution of dance from 1950 to 2022

(10) | 18/07/2023 | 0 comments

Ricardo Walker's dance group in the second part of "Evolution of Dance" from the corresponding performance of 2019.

The husky doesn't want to get off the couch

(13) | 18/07/2023 | 0 comments

A husky dog ​​whines when its owner asks it to get off the living room couch.

Basketball player Stephen Curry makes a hole-in-one

(0) | 18/07/2023 | 0 comments

Saturday July 15, 2023 during the American Century Championships golf tournament (celebrity tournament) at Lake Tahoe (USA), basketball player Stephen Curry scored a magnificent hole-in-one at around 135 meters. His reaction is a pleasure to […]

The wild dog in the bars

(21) | 17/07/2023 | 0 comments

On a street in San Felipe, Mexico, a man walks in front of a wild dog that is fortunately behind a barred gate…

Failed dive from stage

(14) | 13/07/2023 | 0 comments

On Saturday July 8th during the Openair Frauenfeld music festival in Switzerland, a spectator went on stage and wanted to take a dive into the crowd. During the concert, the […]

Crows play in the snow

(13) | 12/07/2023 | 0 comments

This video, filmed in late winter 2021 at Mount Seymour in North Vancouver, Canada, shows crows endlessly playing in the snow. Crows and corvids in general are among the […]

Influencer cleans a beach

(17) | 12/07/2023 | 1 Comment

How do you convince your subscribers that you care about the environment?; Step 1: Ask a friend to film you gathering…wooden branches on a beach. Step 2: Pretend you are struggling to pull the weight […]

The hydrophobic properties of duck feathers

(12) | 11/07/2023 | 0 comments

The video shows the hydrophobic properties of the feathers of the Iceland mallard. Eiderdown is the down left behind by wild ducks after the natural process of moulting, and no ducks are captured […]

When I lied on my resume

(14) | 11/07/2023 | 0 comments

A desperate cat wants to get out of a warehouse urgently, where a mouse roams.