
The monkeys steal asking ransom

(22) | 12/01/2016 | 0 comments

In Bali, Indonesia, the monkeys move anywhere and steal tourists from there that you don't expect. Grab flip flops, hats, Mobile, cameras, sunglasses and anything else put on the eye, in order to […]

Kangaroo dog

(11) | 11/01/2016 | 0 comments

A dog named Estrella born without front legs of, frolicking like Kangaroo and has become famous in the city of Peru Maria Tinga.

If the money were not important;

(125) | 10/01/2016 | 19 Comments

You can ask yourself what you wanted to do in life if the money were not important; A wonderful lecture by British author [...]

Tips for first date

(26) | 08/01/2016 | 3 Comments

Guide to what to do and what not on the first date, with the delightful Rowan Atkinson

The fair play at his best

(39) | 07/01/2016 | 0 comments

In Hopman Cup tennis tournament Tuesday, January 5, 2016 in Perth, Australia, the American tennis player Jack Sock gave the example of fair play. During the match against Lleyton Hewitt, […]

How cats use their whiskers

(27) | 06/01/2016 | 0 comments

Although it is excellent Hunter, the sight of the cat does not allow it to focus on objects that are less than 30 cm. But there are taking the whiskers. Excerpt from his documentary “Cats Uncovered”. […]

A deaf man learns that he will be a father

(28) | 30/12/2015 | 1 Comment

The Brittany Le Blanc wanted to make a surprise on deaf husband, revealing in this way he will become a father. A beautiful moment.

Do you like my ornaments;

(12) | 23/12/2015 | 0 comments

On a snowy mountain, a beautifully decorated FIR nears another offering Christmas ornaments. A funny animation from Cartoons Pencilmation team.

The dilemma of children

(33) | 22/12/2015 | 0 comments

83% of children of Agency Youth Boys and Girls Club Metro Atlanta, are from poor families. Their Up TV channel asked what they would like for Christmas and what they think they would like to […]

The polar bear surprises the seal

(31) | 18/12/2015 | 1 Comment

A hungry polar bear surprised a seal that sits quietly on a piece of ice in the Arctic sea. Silently, the predator approaching swimming and catching the victim of surprised, leaving him no chance […]

The experiment of religion

(22) | 18/12/2015 | 7 Comments

Islam constantly accused lately as a very violent and aggressive religion. But what about Christianity; Sacha Harland and Alexander Spoor from the web show “Dit Is Normaal” covered it […]

What they are and from which originate the black holes;

(11) | 17/12/2015 | 0 comments

Black holes are some of the strangest and most exciting objects in space. Both have great density and so strong gravitational pull, that even light can not escape […]

Winter Is Not Coming

(17) | 15/12/2015 | 0 comments

A video that looks like new trailer for the 6th season of Game of Thrones, us Announces some bad news. In fact it is a spot created by Greenpeace in France, on the occasion […]

The Uncanny Valley

(23) | 11/12/2015 | 0 comments

In the future, the virtual reality addicts satisfy their violent impulses through a online game. But gradually, a player discovers that the boundary between the virtual and the real begins to disappear… “Uncanny […]

Living with depression

(34) | 09/12/2015 | 1 Comment

The photographer Katarzyna Napiórkowska created a very nice video that describes the thoughts and feelings of a person with depression. As she says, "Depression is not something that someone chooses to have and […]