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Why some countries are poor and others rich

What are the characteristics that separate rich from poor countries; The riches each country depends on many things, including the quality of State institutions, the culture, natural resources and latitude. An interesting video from School Of Life.

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  1. p. (C). (I). says:

    There are no rich and poor States but manufactured and farm. the Nations that preceded the industrial revolution is natural and next to determine the path of the remaining. the transition from field to factory is what they say technological culture, rise of the biotikoy level etc.. But there is more happy residents of developed Member of the inhabitants of underdeveloped, because to be one happy in this world as long as has food, health and family. in developed countries may have more food but this has its side effects. They may have more hospitals but better is not the one you need. and with respect to the family, the poor are doing much better in this area!!

  2. Alex says:–&id=123%3A2009-10-20-14-04-18&lang=el

    We realized that, despite the efforts that had been made by international organizations to
    stem the crisis, malnutrition remained particularly serious in
    these regions. The explanation, finally, It was that not only accounted for the
    drought and the locust invasion of the famine, but rather the fact that
    majority of the population had no money to buy even the
    basic food. On the deepening crisis contributed except
    economic stabilization policy imposed by the
    International Monetary Fund, the complete absence of social benefits, the
    relaxed for food safety policy and high corruption
    government officials .

    Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Written by / the George Kalliampetsos

    Sunday, 18 October 2009 07:50

    Over 1 billion people worldwide, of which
    the third in sub-Saharan Africa, They live on less than a dollar
    the day

    Only when you cut the last tree,
    You would have caught the last fish,
    and got infected last river,
    You will understand that you can not eat money.
    Narrative of the Indian tribe Cree

    The plane -Niame Paris line landed in the capital of
    Niger after 5 hours trip. We were greeted by a wave of stifling
    heat loaded with unfamiliar smells.
    in Niger, in 2004-2005, poverty plaguing the country deteriorated and turned
    in sharp food crisis of the population because of drought and
    invasion of locusts, which hit with unprecedented intensity of
    kalliergeies.Eprokeito to visit the Zinder regions and
    Charades, east of the capital, going through about 2.000 km,
    to assess the needs of the population in food
    voitheia.Oi testimonies we collected, They are talking about serious
    humanitarian crisis due to famine. The harvest was the worst in
    years, resulting in many children at risk of acute and
    antemortem ypothrepsia.Kata our path to Maradi, us
    He was impressed that at the weekly markets were basically
    nutrients are in abundance. Not understand how they explained such
    scale famine in peaceful environment, and political stability
    agatha.Sto Maradi markets full of images of children
    malnutrition was a punch in the stomach. In the situation of catering centers
    it was tragic. Apart from acute malnutrition, eight out of ten children and suffering
    malaria, while 40 of the center's 250 children were in
    critical condition due to infection attendant.
    We realized that, despite the efforts that had been made by international organizations to
    stem the crisis, malnutrition remained particularly serious in
    these regions. The explanation, finally, It was that not only accounted for the
    drought and the locust invasion of the famine, but rather the fact that
    majority of the population had no money to buy even the
    basic food. On the deepening crisis contributed except
    economic stabilization policy imposed by the
    International Monetary Fund, the complete absence of social benefits, the
    relaxed for food safety policy and high corruption
    government officials .
    In no Member of Sahel there is no provision for free medical aid, even the poorest sections of the population, so that access to health
    remote rural communities to be extremely difficult if not
    impossible. According to a survey of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys
    (MICS), health personnel is insufficient since a corresponding
    doctor for 32,432 inhabitants, one nurse for 4,488 inhabitants and one
    midwife for 6,393 inhabitants. Yet, lack of equipment of health centers
    and difficult access of the population to health and pharmaceutical
    care, said distance, but also because the cost of medicines,
    worse. The lack of access to clean water, mostly in
    remote rural areas, It is the cause of many serious infections
    such as cholera.

    Children are the main victims of extreme poverty afflicting the Sahel.
    According to statistics of UNICEF / CDC, Children who have not received any
    vaccination amount to 45-48%, rate very high that
    explains in part the increased mortality of children.

    Severe child malnutrition is well above 14%
    (Emergency limit), while the mortality rate in ages
    under 5 years old exceeds 25% in the Western Sahel in non-conditions

    Malnourished children weigh 80% less than the normal weight of children their age,
    suffer from stunted growth and health of vulnerable makes
    more susceptible to infectious diseases such as malaria, diarrhea, meningitis
    and pneumonias.. Niger as the whole area of ​​Sahel
    constitutes, according to the classification of UNDP, the poorest region in
    World, with 80% of its population living on less than $ 1 a day
    and the problem of hunger to be a chronic wound, as both
    thirds of its area covered by the Sahara. Residents with very
    They manage to cultivate one desertified land, in southern
    country, which even in "good" years not cover
    nutritional needs of the population.

    The famine
    faced Niger was one of the most serious humanitarian
    crises in West Africa, which unfortunately was slow to be noticed
    the International Community.

    Prolonged drought and
    the invasion of locusts devastated the vast expanses of savannah, where
    access and collection of information is very difficult. The silent
    famine, named as, to be understood had to overcome
    boundaries of rural communities, thus losing precious time.
    And once they learned of the extent of the problem, was
    long delay in call and response of the international

    In heightened drama of hunger,
    important role played and the months of the government retreats
    to market pressures and the instructions of the International Monetary
    Fund, which react in delivering international humanitarian assistance,
    considering that such a development would lead to a significant drop in
    product prices.

    geographical area of ​​the Sahel Saharan zone extending from
    the Atlantic to central Africa including
    Chad. It includes eight Member : Senegal, Guinea, Gambia,
    Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.

    Some geographers extend it to the Red Sea,
    including the northern and central Sudan, Northern Ethiopia
    northern Eritrea.

    The main zone of the Sahel
    characterized savannah climate, with distinct periods of rainfall
    and drought, with an average temperature of 35oC, and the rainy season
    It lasts from July to September.

    possibility to grow in this zone is limited, That's why
    traditional populations of the region, adapted to climate
    restrictions, were nomads with first occupation trade with the caravans.

    on the colonial area separated into zones of influence and
    arbitrarily mapped out new frontiers, the inhabitants were forced to
    abandon the nomadic life and be limited to minor
    cereal crops and livestock (savannahs are
    extensive pasture).

    As a result of
    of prescribed non-physical and cultural borders, regions exposed
    in civil wars and interstate conflicts that divided tribes and
    nations two, three or more pieces. the Touareg, the Haoussa,
    the Peuls, for example, lacked the vital and cultural
    space. Every insurgency is being exploited by the West and,
    depending on its interests, may be encouraged or

    The areas of the Sahel, given
    lack of water and the absence of any kind of irrigation infrastructure and
    modern land custody methods, They have limited capacity

    Climate change is warming
    particularly strong in the Sahel zone, resulting, the last 50
    years, the desertification of 250 kilometers to the south, a depth of
    up to 6.000 kilometers.
    These countries, after the large
    1972 food crisis, created CILSS in 1973 (Committee
    Inter-Etate for the Fight against Drought in the Sahel) to
    mutual aid and the fight against poverty and drought.

    SOME DATA IN SAHEL COUNTRIES * STATES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Population (millions) 12,4 Ο,5 1,4 12,7 2,9 1,5 13,1 11,1 Development 1975-2003 2,6 2,0 3,4 2,6 2,5 3,0 3,2 2,7 2,8 Average life expectancy (years) 47,5 70,4 55,7 47,9 52,7 44,7 44,4 55,7 43,6 Adult illiteracy (%) 87,2 24,3 62,2 81,0 48,8 60,4 85,6 60,7 Population living on less than $ 1 44,9 50,0 59,3 72,3 25,9 60,0 61,4 26,3 Population without access to water (%) 49,0 20,0 18,0 52,0 44,0 41,0 54,0 28,0 66,0 Population in malnutrition outside crisis (%) 19,0 27,0 29,0 10,0 34,0 24,0 28,0 * The western SAHEL zone includes the countries 1. Burkina Faso, 2. Cape Verde, 3. Gambia, 4. Mali, 5. Mauritania, 6. Guinea, 7. Niger ,8. Senegal, 9. Chad.

    source Pnud ( www. Undp. Org).

    The classification of poverty can be assessed in terms of the western reality.

    For those countries most reliable method is the daily food consumption and not the financial rewards.

    As absolute poverty defined: One meal a day with a minimum cereal consumption in gruel form.

    As poverty is defined : Two meals a day or more with little
    eat cereal. Besides milk weekly, No
    no other animal protein feed.

    As poverty threshold defined: two meals a day with consumption
    cereal or rice, two to three times per week consumption
    milk. Once a week meat.

    acceptable: Two to three meals a day with good grain consumption
    and rice, vegetables at least three times per week, twice
    week meat.

    From 1960 and in the midst of the Cold War the West proclaimed that in one
    decade will achieve change in the fate of the poor African countries
    So much so that not external assistance is most needed.
    Of course, what they wanted was essentially not leave these countries in
    influence of the Soviet Union. As
    therefore granted political consultants, economic,
    military, and variety of organizations active in
    these regions (IMF, The World Bank, International Development and the US
    England, Inter-American Development Bank, Development Program
    UN, World Health Organisation , Food and Rural
    FAO / UNICEF etc. Production). We now know that all these
    interventions led to complete failure.

    help given, rarely offered selflessly, while the West
    trying to solve the problems with its own thinking and mentality.
    Although he can be better aware of the problems and solve
    from the actors themselves, none of them accepted
    Aid not asked.

    The William Easterly1 states
    Example of electric blanket: "A cold night my companion
    I slept with a double electric blanket. but mistook
    regulators. So when I warmed lowered the regulator and
    woman froze me. Increase in the number of the temperature, and
    my part to become even more heat, so the downloader
    temperature even more. The woman kept me cool and
    raised more my own temperature ". The problem is there. The
    West sets the thermostat a distant blanket and nobody
    Asked if cools or warms. The rich countries' policies
    check the aid agencies and the poor do not have the power
    to attribute responsibilities.

    Between 1972 and 2002, the number of severely and permanently malnourished Africans increased from 81 to 203 million. before
    in world drama hungry, The UN recently decided to increase
    50% of food aid by 2030, releasing 15-20
    billion dollars a year.

    It is true that there are always stocks should be the case
    major crises. But the policy of "emergency aid" does not
    appropriate for the resolution of chronic food problem and
    people's hunger. Mostly, these practices were
    bring results, but aimed at impressing public opinion.

    Money is much
    and much less would have been much more substantial
    interventions such, for example, wells in villages in order to
    farmers irrigate their livelihoods and access to clean water The
    poor peasant is not a beggar, nor lazy to request ready
    of food. You need the basic conditions to be able to
    paragei.Oi farmers in the region
    the Sahel, with primitive means and without irrigation infrastructure, trying to
    cultivate their lands, consistently and even the good years, the
    harvest not enough storage or sale.

    A lot
    independent humanitarian organizations, NGO. and collectives, as
    bodies of "civil society" of the Western world, have
    best of intentions to altruistic offer of assistance and
    developing world. They have good planning and encouraging
    results, but left without financial support because
    their actions deviate from the strategy of central
    Western politico designs. They understand that assistance
    must not be fragmented, but should be in a entachtei
    overall policy to combat poverty and have made significant
    steps towards interest-free microloans, construction of infrastructure for
    food security in crisis situations, the network installation
    irrigation and water supply, reforestation, in fighting
    illiteracy, family planning to stabilize
    population growth, in primary health infrastructure.

    The issue of reforestation and food security has occupied
    several humanitarian organizations. Significant effort to
    sufficiency in food crises, It is the creation
    Banks Cereal (Cereal banks ή B.C.).
    Cereal banks, They are actually agricultural cooperatives
    They were built in remote villages of the center, in order to
    stockpiling grain and seed for immediate delivery
    food aid and to prevent possible crisis. The
    Banks were created by non-governmental organizations, while
    their management has undertaken local committee of residents themselves
    each community. The operation of these banks provides
    food supply or with token money exchange or in the form
    lending in kind. With the new crop, the farmer is obliged to
    return the borrowed quantity of seed to be always

    countries of the Sahel as most African countries, de
    They have only rudimentary utilities mechanisms
    (electricity and water), They have weak infrastructures (streets and
    railways), lending rates have sudden and severe
    ripples, inflation is high, while problems
    in labor productivity which result from the incomplete
    education, care and housing. Market institutions are vulnerable
    (such as immature financial systems) and legal frameworks
    underperforming. International financial institutions have no interest
    correct fundamental and structural problems of the economy.

    The global economic policies and neo-liberalism are the
    root cause of hunger. The stabilization plan of the economy has
    impose the IMF created great inequality and
    further loss of scarce income.

    the end of colonialism in the 60s, the neo
    It has proved harder. The Western exploitation has reached
    extremes. often abusing the market power, which are
    donors, and threaten to withdraw the preference for trade cooperation if
    not signed the Agreements Economic partnership agreements2, at
    framework which will cut sales to African farmers
    local markets from the rapid trade liberalization that opens
    road in large quantities of subsidized imports from the EU. The
    mode of action of these agreements as aptly says director
    the CODESRIA Antempagio Oloukosi, is essentially "divided by the
    trade ", tactic which began colonialists in conference
    Berlin 1884-1885, when they sliced ​​continent into colonies and "States"
    so arbitrary and unreasonable.
    Trade liberalization has
    devastating effects on African agriculture, as there
    It is expected to grow more than a single sector of the economy: the
    processing. It is the only activity that lures the European
    capital to invest in joint ventures.

    It is the view of the cereal crops
    They used as biofuels. While the world cereal production
    increases, only 50% of it covers food needs. The rest
    converted into biofuels. Thus inactivated enormous
    croplands and new created thereby rapidly
    deforestation and the sucking of the aquatic wealth.

    Techno-economic studies have shown that the cultivation for the production
    biofuels deprive the consumption quantities of cereals will
    could cover 20 times the current world food
    deficit. A full petrol tank of ethanol needed grains corresponding to the annual diet of one anthropou3. Results of these crops are grain production decrease for food use, increasing their price and the deterioration of
    greenhouse. The interest of the European Union in
    biofuels, accelerates the rate at which forests are destroyed, that
    considered a major factor that contributes to global warming (study of Holly Gibbs, Woods Institute for the Environment at the University of USA Stafford).

    In conclusion, The Sahel zone is indeed small agricultural production.

    However, and regardless of the crisis that characterizes the current
    conjuncture, neoliberal economic policy transforms the mediocre
    chronic poverty. The cost of living and the key market imperative
    goods meet the minimum needs of the population
    It is disproportionate to the average income.
    The poverty, coupled with the destruction or impairment of the crop, lead
    further poverty, loan, non-repayment of debt, increase
    interest rates, sale of land, again poverty. that is,, then present
    A vicious circle (The poverty trap) from which they are failing
    farmers to escape.

    As said by Gandhi, The earth has enough resources to meet the
    needs of all, if certain stop the greed of some. 20% of it
    world population controls 75% of world resources. the controls
    and markets speculating through multinational companies of
    agriculture, the privatization of water and the global laws

    The fight to combat poverty is first and foremost a political issue and requires
    sophisticated approaches and other strategies.

    The whole drama unfolds as described by Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen, "OR
    hunger is not due to lack of food, but in the fact that
    lower strata of society do not have the means to obtain
    their need for survival ".
    George Kalliampetsos, physician
    President CI. Humanitarian Organization Fair Planet