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When you act like a man…

A schoolgirl causes the pupil to hit during an intense logomachias in u.s. high school. The young man tries to flee away, but the schoolgirl continues to harass him until you reach its limits. Unfortunately, When you behave like a man, I will treat it like a man.

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  1. Parris says:

    However, I will also comment negatively on the fact that no one stood up to restrain the girl while she was hitting the young man.... in other words I didn't understand I must assume it will moderate to nerves or his hands not to hit;;; or are unlikely to injure him BC. any eye..
    And of course, since it started with the girl's cursing... everyone should know that there is also verbal violence and it is equally reprehensible and punishable... in other words, they would let a young man curse and push a girl;; because that is the opposite doesn't matter;;;

  2. athst Greek says:

    And it was too late....

  3. Nikos Livanos says:

    simera oi gunaikes prospa8oun na kanoun oti k oi antres,,,,,,,,You fusika apotuxia me!exete dikous sas rolous kratiste tous mpas k meinei ligh 8ulikia upar3h edw pera!!!oxi oti oi antres exoun kratisei ton polo tous,,,,florakia k klapsiarika mwraki exoun katanthsei!

  4. antikeimenikos says:

    well the bar

  5. dimitris81gr says:

    We said, but women are not the barame this xeftilise. Justified type.