Browsing all posts tagged with person

Conor McGregor hits a man in a bar

(5) | 16/08/2019 | 0 comments

Saturday 6 April 2019, by Conor McGregor hit a customer in the bar The Marble Arch in Dublin, Ireland. Irish veteran MMA offered a glass of whiskey from his company Proper […]

The new "lion king" was enhanced with deepfake

(2) | 10/08/2019 | 0 comments

Ο Youtuber Jonty (@jonty_pressinger) deepfake used the technology to improve the remake of The Lion King (The Lion King 2019). Use the drawings of artist Nikolay Mochkin to replace the faces of animals […]

A house full of mustaches

(9) | 07/08/2019 | 0 comments

YouTuber DrFakenstein changed the intro of the old American series “Full House”, replacing all persons with that of actor Nick Offerman. So renamed the title of the series in Full House of Mustaches. The […]

Lasers against facial recognition cameras

(7) | 01/08/2019 | 0 comments

In Hong Kong, protesters laser targeted to the police cameras to prevent facial recognition. Lasers disturb video recordings that would recognize the demonstrators.

Famous faces in clay sculptures

(8) | 06/07/2019 | 0 comments

The sculptor sculpts Amelia Rowcroft famous faces in clay. Among others is the Robin Williams, ο Ryan Reynolds, Leonardo Dicaprio, Bob Marley, the Rihanna and many others.

Students go through facial recognition to enter school (China)

(10) | 19/06/2019 | 0 comments

In a primary school in Shenzhen China, children need to scan their faces pass before entering. This elencheipoioi students entered the school system and then sends the information to […]

If Sylvester Stallone starred in 'Terminator 2'

(9) | 04/06/2019 | 1 Comment

With the help of technology DeepFake, user Ctrl Shift Face recreates a scene from the movie “Terminator 2”, changing the face of Arnold Schwarzenegger to that of Sylvester Stallone.

How to impress your friends with a selfie

(14) | 24/05/2019 | 0 comments

Outside Longhu · Beicheng Tianjie Mall in Chongqing, China, there is a structure that allows passersby to pull an original photo. With proper angle, it appears that persons of photography […]

Bill Hader mimics Arnold Schwarzenegger with the help of Deepfake

(15) | 23/05/2019 | 0 comments

The DeepFake is an artificial intelligence technology, that can change people and objects in a video. Here, with the help of DeepFaceLab a user changed the face of the actor Bill Hader, as the latter […]

Octopus grabs on a woman's face

(11) | 10/05/2019 | 0 comments

A Chinese streamer records the time to eat a live octopus. But the octopus would react and ventouzothei tentacles over her face, while the woman screaming in […]

A cat attacks its owner

(9) | 08/05/2019 | 0 comments

A woman tries to hide with a suitcase in her room, but the cat, approaching with curiosity and suddenly starts attacking furious. The woman tries to protect with a towel and finally […]

He wanted to get rid of the tattoo with his ex

(15) | 01/05/2019 | 0 comments

A man in Vietnam went to the tattoo artist Trung Tadashi wanting to cover the tattoo he had done with the face of his former girlfriend. The Tadashi thought he could change the face […]

Indiana Jones: the effect with the melted face

(5) | 14/04/2019 | 0 comments

One of the special effects that had made a special impression in the movie "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" of 1981, was it with the melted face towards the end of the film. The […]

The explosion of the watermelon

(4) | 04/04/2019 | 1 Comment

A man from Japan tried to wrap a watermelon with several rubber bands, until it exploded in his face.

Two faces with a mirror

(12) | 30/03/2019 | 0 comments

A woman plays the role of two characters using two different makeup and placing a mirror in the middle of her face.