Fresh Fish on the Road Occurred on June 12, 2017 / Lishui, China "Fish truck blew two tires and flipped over in front of us on the road. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and the driver happily sold the fish to the motorists for a great price."
Swim with a goliath grouper Near Port St. Lucie, Florida, Monster Mike, an avid fishing YouTuber, caught the biggest fish of his life, a Goliath Grouper. To immortalize this moment, he wanted us to take a picture of him in the water next to the huge fish. Small problem, Monster Mike can't swim...
A shark jumps on a fishing boat Saturday November 5, 2022 off Whitianga, New Zealand, a group of people were fishing for trevally when a mako shark, having taken a bait, jumped out of the water and landed on the front of the boat. The fish, over 2 meters long, then remained stuck on the fishermen's boat for a few minutes before managing to return to the water, safe and sound.
Θαλάσσιο λιοντάρι επιτίθεται σε γυναίκα Μια γυναίκα βγάζει φωτογραφίες σε μια παραλία στο Fish Hoek της Νότιας Αφρικής, όταν δέχεται ξαφνική επίθεση από ένα θαλάσσιο λιοντάρι. Στη συνέχεια προσπαθεί να ξεφύγει τρέχοντας αλλά πέφτει επανειλημμένα στην άμμο, και το ζώο καταφέρνει έτσι να αρπάξει με το στόμα του ένα από τα μανίκια της. Τελικά, η γυναίκα σηκώνεται και καταφέρνει να ξεφύγει.
Bird Karma A wader eats fish in a swamp ... "Bird Karma" is a DreamWorks animated short directed by William Salazar.
A snake tries to steal a fish from a basket While fishing in a pond in Petersburg, Ill., A man notices a snake on the surface of the water diving towards his basket containing a few fish. He then removes the basket from the water, but the reptile also rises to the surface and repeatedly tries to enter the basket to take a fish.