A turtle stuck in the overflow pipe of a pond Alerted by a strange noise coming from his pond in Baltimore, Ohio, a man came to the aid of a snapping turtle that was stranded, its head sucked in by the overflow of the body of water. Fortunately, he managed, not without difficulty, to pull the animal to loosen it and quickly throw it on the edge of the pond, as the snapping turtle is able to inflict serious injuries with its jaw.
Teenager attacked for making noise while deadlifting The backstory is that the staff at a Buzz Fit gym in Monreal, Quebec have given my client a hard time in past weeks about deadlifting too loudly in the gym. They said he still could, but he had to place mats underneath the plates. So he did as they asked. A random bystander (wearing an Animal shirt of all things) took it upon himself to confront him after he deemed his deadlifts to be too loud and watch what ensues.
Brat wants to pick up a fight with a cop The police patrol was called to a group of teenagers who were making noise. One of the group was very brave and tried it on the policeman and wanted to fight him off the record. The teenager quickly ended up in handcuffs, and the man received a police report. When he was lying on the ground, he wasn't such a tough guy anymore and shouted "I'm a minor".
A raccoon attacks a child Friday December 2, 2022 in Ashford, Connecticut in the United States, a 5-year-old girl was attacked by a raccoon while waiting for her school bus. Her mother, alerted by her daughter's cries, came out of the house and grabbed the raccoon by the skin of its back. Once her daughter was safely inside, she threw the animal onto the lawn. The little girl was bitten by the raccoon. She was tested for the presence of rabies antibodies.
Consiguiendo Los Articulos de mi avatar de otro color En Animal Jam Classic Ya conocen mi avatar, no? Ese lobo color aqua... Bueno, En animal jam voy a conseguir esos articulos, pero de otro color. En Este caso: Naranja. Hola! Bienvenidos A Mi Canal!!! Soy Un Argentino de 14 Años, Y Planeo estar en el TOP 10 Canales mas grandes de la comunidad Hispana De Animal Jam y tambien, tener un canal en ingles. ¡Espero que les guste el video
Speedrun De Ser Suspendido En Animal Jam Classic Animal Jam No es una categoria tan conocida en speedrun.com Asi que voy a tratar de ''Revivirla'' Subiendo un video tratando de hacer un speedrun
¿Que es un speedrun? Hacer una accion en un Videojuego (Como pasartelo o conseguir algo) Pero en el menor tiempo posible. ¡Hola! Bienvenidos A Mi Canal!!! Soy Un Argentino de 14 Años, Y Planeo estar en el TOP 10 Canales mas grandes de la comunidad Hispana De Animal Jam y tambien, tener un canal en ingles. ¡Espero que les guste el video!
Que Pasaria Si… ¿Tus Mascotas de Animal Jam tuvieran una Barra De Salud? Como sabemos, al adoptar una mascota en Animal Jam, No tienes que cuidarla constantemente.
No como en club penguin que dejabas la mascota 15 segundos y se te escapaba. Pero... En este video
Descubriremos como sera Animal Jam Si tus mascotas tienen barra de salud ¡Hola! Soy Kaoliy, Bienvenidos A Mi Canal!!! Soy Un Argentino de 14 Años, Y Planeo estar en el TOP 10 Canales mas grandes de la comunidad Hispana De Animal Jam y tambien, tener un canal en ingles. ¡Espero que les guste el video!
Prix Lampe de Poche Laser Rouge 10mW https://pointeurlaserfr.com/prix-lampe-de-poche-laser-rouge-10mw-pour-animal-de-compagnie-particulier.html Ce 10mW Pointeur Laser Rouge formes supplémentaires sont mignonnes mais ne montrent pas aussi bien que le faisceau laser ordinaire. Mais le chat semble aimer les regarder quand il se repose.
Ένα γατάκι με μια προνύμφη στη μύτη του Στην κτηνιατρική κλινική My Pet's Animal Hospital στη Φλόριντα, ο Δρ. Rothrock χρησιμοποιεί μια λαβίδα για να αφαιρέσει μια μεγάλη προνύμφη μύγας (Oestridae) που βρίσκεται στη μύτη μιας γάτας.