How Scary is the VR Game Boogeyman? We locked some people in a room to play a Boogyman VR game to see how scary it was. What did we discover? See for yourself.
How Scary is the Paranormal Activity VR Game? We locked some people in a room to play the Paranormal Activity VR game to see how scary it was. It's coming Summer 2016, but what did we discover? See for yourself.
Ρεαλιστικός εξομοιωτής άρματος Οι χρήστες του καναλιού Red deer blyat (马鹿blyat) από την Κίνα, κατασκεύασαν έναν αρκετά ρεαλιστικό εξομοιωτή άρματος που αποτελείται από δύο χειριστήρια/μανιβέλες, ένα κανόνι με ανάκρουση, και ένα κράνος VR.
40.5 meter Deathdive Near Stryn in Norway, Norwegian Ken Stornes set a new death dive record from a mountain wall at a height of 40.5 meters. He had made another dive in the same style after playing too much God of War.