The largest full loop in the world Greek rider Georgios Ntavoutian made history by completing the largest complete loop on a bike.
With his BMX, he managed to do it in a 7.5 meter high cylinder.
Μια ασυνήθιστη τεχνική στο άλμα εις μήκος (1974) Οι αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1970 στον στίβο είναι μια εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέρουσα περίοδος. Η τεχνική των περισσότερων αθλημάτων δεν έχει ακόμη κατασταλάξει, και οι αθλητές επινοούν συνεχώς νέες μεθόδους. Ποια είναι η καλύτερη τεχνική για το άλμα επί κοντώ ή το άλμα εις ύψος; Πώς να ρίξεις πιο αποτελεσματικά ένα ακόντιο ή ένα δίσκο; Οι απαντήσεις σε αυτά τα ερωτήματα αναζητήθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια των αγώνων. Ο πιο διάσημος από τους καινοτόμους είναι ο Dick Fosbury, ο Ολυμπιονίκης του 1968 στο άλμα εις ύψος. Ήταν αυτός που επινόησε το άλμα Fosbury flop - το στυλ να ξεπερνάς τον πήχη με την πλάτη προς τα εμπρός, το οποίο πλέον εφαρμόζεται από όλους τους αθλητές. Πριν από το Fosbury flop, το άλμα γινόταν με τα πόδια προς τα εμπρός. Ένας άλλος καινοτόμος ήταν ο Tuariki Delamere, ένας Νεοζηλανδός από το Πανεπιστήμιο της Ουάσιγκτον. Ο Delamere εφηύρε έναν νέο τρόπο άλματος εις μήκος και το ονόμασε "somersault" (τούμπα). Εφάρμοσε για πρώτη φορά αυτή την τεχνική στους αγώνες Commonwealth Games του 1974 στο Christchurch της Νέας Ζηλανδίας. Αν και πήδηξε σε απόσταση 8,40 μέτρα, ήταν τα χέρια του που τον πρόδωσαν καθώς τα ακούμπησε στην άμμο. Έτσι το άλμα μετρήθηκε στα 7,70 μέτρα. Το άλμα με τούμπα είναι πιο αποδοτικό μηχανικά, καθώς η γωνία απώθησης κατά τη διάρκεια ενός τέτοιου άλματος γίνεται μεγαλύτερη. Δυστυχώς όμως την ίδια χρονιά, η διεθνής ομοσπονδία απαγόρευσε κάθε περιστροφή κατά το άλμα εις μήκος, ως επικίνδυνη για την υγεία των αθλητών. Αυτός ο περιορισμός εξακολουθεί να ισχύει μέχρι σήμερα (άρθρο 30.1.3 των κανόνων αγώνων World Athletics).
Ένα εκπληκτικό ακροβατικό με Motocross Ο David Rinaldo επιτυγχάνει ενα απίθανο ακροβατικό στον διαγωνισμό X Games στη Μινεάπολη των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών. Το τέχνασμα ονομάζεται "Variant Body Backflip", και είναι ένας συνδυασμός δύο περιστροφών, μια με τη μοτοσικλέτα και ταυτόχρονα μία πλήρη περιστροφή με το σώμα ενώ η μοτοσικλέτα βρίσκεται στον αέρα. Αυτό το ακροβατικό του χάρισε το χρυσό στην κατηγορία "Best trick".
Meet Charles Martinet “the voice of SuperMario” Charles Martinet, the voice actor behind Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Parthanax in Skyrim and many more of your favourite video game characters spoke to us about his life, gave advice and told us what it feels to earn a Guinness World Records title for the Most videogame voiceover performances as the same character (as Mario).
Water game prank Some people who just want to see the world get wet
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Alexa Meets Alexios You need a Spartan in your life. Meet Alexios, the world’s first Spartan Smart Assistant. Designed for use in the real world as well as the in-game world of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Alexios will guide you, and “encourage” you, until you have the stoic, steeled demeanor of a Spartan warrior.
Beating an arcade game with only one coin Choi Soo-kwon, who entered the shooting game world in 2012, and cleared 10 games in a four-year period.
He challenged the One-Coin_Clear of one of the hardest shooting games, 'ketsui'.
Did he succeed?
Fan tries to kiss a Brazilian journalist A supporter tries to kiss a Brazilian journalist during the World Cup in Russia. Reporter Júlia Guimarães of Grupo Globo was another victim of harassment by a Russian supporter on Sunday, before the game between Japan and Senegal in Yekaterinburg, Russia, as he prepared to enter live in the Spectacle Sport. "It's the second time that I've been in Russia, I've never been in Brazil, but it's very clear that it's because of luck, because it happens a lot in Brazil, we've seen several times with the press. a lot here in Russia, from aggressive looks to sung in Russian, which of course I do not understand, but I feel it.It is the second time that something physical happens, a guy trying to kiss me.First time, it was before the game between Egypt and Uruguay, and I think it was Russian Now it sure was Russian It's horrible I feel helpless, vulnerable This time I gave an answer, but it's sad, people do not understand. I wanted to understand why the person thinks he has a right to do that. "- Julia said.
The darkest building in the world Asif Khan has unveiled a pavilion at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games in South Korea, described as the "darkest building on earth". The British architect spray-painted the 10-metre-high temporary structure with Vantablack VBx2, a substance that absorbs over 99 per cent of light. Vantablack VBx2, is a sprayable version of Vantablack pigment, which British artist Anish Kapoor controversially acquired exclusive rights for in 2016. Rods tipped with tiny white lights protrude from the "super-black" parabolic curves of all four sides of the pavilion, giving the impression of stars suspended against the darkness of space. Speaking to Dezeen, Khan – who describes himself as a "closet astronaut" – said he "wanted to create the impression of a window cut into space". "It's a preoccupation of mine, trying to create experiences to better understand where we are now as humans, placing ourselves in the big picture," said Khan.
G&S – Street Fighter 2 Medley Games&Symphonies performs music from the video game Street Fighter II: The World Warrior.
Meet the Voice Behind ‘Mortal Kombat II’ Steve Ritchie is something of a legend in the video game world. For most, he’s the prolific pinball designer responsible for creating more machines than anyone else in pinball history. But, for those in the know, he’s also the godlike voice behind the announcer in the classic game, “Mortal Kombat II.” After voicing a number of unsavory characters for his own pinball machines, Ritchie began to perfect the deep, booming register that would later make “Mortal Kombat” so iconic. And while Ritchie spent the majority of his career designing and developing video games, we’ll never forget his seminal contribution to our ‘90s nostalgia.
World’s Hardest Game The hardest game I have ever played. Trying to prove to a computer that I am not a computer.
Horizon Zero Dawn – E3 2016 Gameplay Video | Only on PS4 Launching February 28, 2017, Horizon Zero Dawn is an exhilarating new open-world action role playing game exclusively for the PlayStation 4 System, developed by the award winning Guerrilla Games, creators of PlayStation’s venerated Killzone franchise.