A garbage man gives a present to a child Scared of garbage trucks at the age of 2, Jaycob, a now 4-year-old boy from Oakhurst, California, overcame his fear, to the point of now being passionate about the craft. He impatiently awaits the passage of the garbage collectors every week, jumping for joy when he hears the vehicle, and this Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 4 days before Christmas, Jaycob had a nice surprise after having kindly thanked the garbage collector for his work. Indeed, the man got out of his truck to give him a gift: a magnificent toy garbage truck!
Can-Am in a skatepark On October 30, 2021 in Denver, Colorado, United States, a man had fun riding in a skatepark with a Can-Am, a 3-wheeled motorcycle. But to be smart, the man loses control of his vehicle.
Ireland Fans Serenade French Girl This is the moment hundreds of lovestruck Irish football fans gathered around a blonde French girl and serenaded her (left) with romantic songs. A hilarious video showed the swaying crowds singing Can't Take My Eyes Off You and Hey Baby to the laughing young woman in Bordeaux. They appeared in high spirits despite losing three-nil to Belgium on Saturday, and one man even stole a kiss from the woman at the end (right).
Scientist in a game show When wildlife lover Russ starts to describe what a Lammergeier Vulture is, and explains it killed a bald-headed man by dropping a tortoise on his head, Bradley Walsh simply loses the plot and can't stop laughing!
Brat wants to pick up a fight with a cop The police patrol was called to a group of teenagers who were making noise. One of the group was very brave and tried it on the policeman and wanted to fight him off the record. The teenager quickly ended up in handcuffs, and the man received a police report. When he was lying on the ground, he wasn't such a tough guy anymore and shouted "I'm a minor".