Bicycle powered car A car moves forward thanks to two men pedaling a tandem bicycle
Young men steal oranges while driving A young man steals tangerines from the trailer of a truck traveling on a highway. He exits through the sunroof of a car behind the truck and grabs the trailer to pick up some fruit and toss it into the car, then he goes back inside the vehicle.
Rescue of a cat in a river August 10, 2018 / Saint-Petersburg, Russia A man rescues a cat from the Moyka river in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
A cyclist at 202 km/h On the 11/26/17 in Curitiba - Parana - Brazil, the cyclist Evandro Portela reached 202 km/h - 125 mp/h in urban road and became the fastest man in the world on a bicycle in the Slipstream of a Subaru WRX category.
He has accomplished the record on the 11 km of distance with 104 km/h average, in 6 minutes and 2 seconds and 151 rpm of maximum cadence.
It had been three years of training and preparation and besides it, in 2018 a new record will be established.
Πυρκαγιά στο Μάτι – Συγκλονιστικό Βίντεο Ένας άντρας στην προσπάθεια του να σώσει την γάτα του εγκλωβίζεται από τις φλόγες που καίνε το σπίτι του. Μέσα σε 3 λεπτά η πυρκαγιά τον έφτασε και του έκοψε κάθε τρόπο διαφυγής. Η πόρτα του σπιτιού του έκλεισε από τον αέρα και δεν μπορούσε να μπει στο σπίτι με κλειστά πορτοπαράθυρα. ΟΙ πληροφορίες λένε ότι σώθηκε πάνω σε έναν τοίχο που δεν έφτασε η πυρκαγιά. Συγκλονιστικό! A shocking video from the recent wildfire tragedy in Mati, Greece. A man in his effort to save his cat, is surrounded by the wild flames and trapped outside his home as the wind closed the door. The video is 3 mins long and in this time the wildfire covers a long distance from his surroundings to his estate. The man who published the video says that he miraculously managed to survive behind a wall.