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A marathon runner drops all the bottles from the refreshment station

Sunday August 8, 2021 during the Tokyo Olympics, the French marathoner Morhad Amdouni created controversy by spilling a whole row of water bottles during a refueling at kilometer 28 of the race. A strongly criticized behavior, described as “unsportsmanlike” and against “the very values ​​of Olympism”. Clumsy gesture due to fatigue or an attempt to harm your competitors? On social networks, Morhad Amdouni apologized to the athletes, citing “a hard blow” and a lack of lucidity during the end of his course. “I was at the end of the line. I was no longer myself, ”he said. He finally finished in 17th place, a marathon won by Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge, already winner at the Rio Olympics in 2016.

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